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Smoke Testing Phoenix

To verify your installation on an unsecure cluster, complete the following steps.

  1. Set configuration parameters.

    • For an unsecured cluster, use the following values:

      • hbase.zookeeper.quorum=localhost


      • zookeeper.znode.parent=/hbase-unsecure

    • For a secure cluster, use the following values:

      • hbase.zookeeper.quorum=localhost


      • zookeeper.znode.parent=/hbase

  2. Logged in as hbase user, navigate to the Phoenix home directory and run the smoke tests.

    cd /usr/hdp/current/phoenix-client/bin/ ./ localhost:2181:/hbase-unsecure /usr/hdp/current/phoenix-client/doc/examples/WEB_STAT.sql /usr/hdp/current/phoenix-client/doc/examples/WEB_STAT.csv /usr/hdp/current/phoenix-client/doc/examples/WEB_STAT_QUERIES.sql