Rolling Upgrade Guide
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Chapter 6. Appendix A

This section contains information and links for validating HDP components.

The following links are in "Installing HDP Manually":

Table 6.1. Validation Links

FalconSubmit a entity, dataset and process to Falcon. Validate that the submission succeeded.
HBaseCheck HBase status from the HBase shell.
HDFSWrite data to HDFS, list contents.
HiveList databases, create new table. Run sample commands through the Hive CLI shell and Hive Server 2.
Hue Access current configuration information.
KafkaCreate a topic and submit it to Kafka. Send a test message for that topic, and then validate that it was received by a consumer.
MapReduceRun Terasort to generate and sort 10GB of data.
OozieCheck that the Oozie Server Web UI page is up. Check Oozie Server status through the Oozie admin CLI shell.
PigRun a simple Pig script that parses a file on HDFS.
RangerAccess administration console, view status.
Slider (See Steps 5 and 6 in "Installing Apache Slider")Check Slider version from the Slider command line.
SqoopCheck the Sqoop version through the Sqoop CLI shell.
StormCheck status of the Storm Supervisor daemon from the Storm CLI. Check that the Storm UI Server web page is available.
TezRun Wordcount using the Tez execution engine.