Chapter 3. Upgrading the Cluster
In this stage, services will be switched to the new software version.
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Perform all upgrade steps in the exact sequence listed in this section, for components deployed in your cluster. |
Upgrade ZooKeeper
Upgrade Ranger (if Ranger is enabled on your cluster)
Upgrade core-cluster master processes, including HDFS JournalNodes and NameNode, YARN ResourceManager, and HBase Master(s)
Upgrade core-cluster slave processes: HDFS DataNodes, YARN NodeManagers, and HBase RegionServers
Upgrade non-core cluster components: Hive, Oozie, and Falcon
Upgrade Knox
Upgrade components outside of the cluster, such as Storm topologies that run on Storm standalone
Upgrade Slider
Upgrade clients on cluster (core and non-core) components, such as MapReduce, Tez, and Phoenix client
Finalize the rolling upgrade process. Caution: rollback and rolling downgrade operations are not possible after this step!
After upgrading each component, you’ll validate that the component is running successfully.
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