Upgrade the HBase Thrift server
If you use the HBase Thrift server, complete the following steps. Otherwise, continue with the next step in the upgrade process.
The HBase Thrift server does not support rolling upgrade; you cannot keep it running while you upgrade. To upgrade the Thrift server, stop and start the process.:
su - hbase -c "/usr/hdp/current/hbase-master/bin/hbase-daemon.sh stop
su - hbase -c "/usr/hdp/current/hbase-master/bin/hbase-daemon.sh start
To verify that the Thrift server accepts traffic, use a simple Thrift client to connect to the server.
Validate new core-masters with old core-slaves, old clients
At this point, validate the upgrade process by running the following tests. Make sure that these jobs execute successfully. If they succeed, proceed with rolling upgrade.
MapReduce job
Hive/Tez job
hadoop dfsadmin -report
yarn –report
hbase status
See Appendix A for more information.
If the Ranger plugin is enabled for HBase, perform the following additional steps after upgrading HBase:
Login to Ranger via the Admin Web UI at
.Go to Audit-> Agent. Make sure that the HBase agent has connected to Ranger Admin.
Go to Audit -> Access. Check the HBase log for errors.
If the upgrade process fails, follow the steps in Downgrading the Cluster, starting with "Downgrade core-cluster master processes."