HDP 2.3.6 provides Atlas 0.5.0 with no additional Apache patches beyond any ported over from the 2.4.x core.
HDP 2.3.6 provided Atlas 0.5.0 and ports the following Apache patches from the 2.4.x core:
ATLAS-448: Hive IllegalArgumentException with Atlas hook enabled on SHOW TRANSACTIONS AND SHOW COMPACTIONS.
HDP provided Atlas 0.5.0 with no additional Apache patches.
HDP 2.3.4 provided Atlas 0.5.0 and the following Apache patches:
ATLAS-102: Issue with SolrIndex.
ATLAS-114: Upgrade HBase client to 1.1.2.
ATLAS-117: Build fails on the latest commit.
ATLAS-118: rename Atlas log4j configuration files to avoid config collisions with other projects.
ATLAS-128: DSL - Add support for comparisons on list type.
ATLAS-16: jersey jaxb exception.
ATLAS-168: Atlas UI - Max column in Hive 4.
ATLAS-17: Parameterize schema API query per typeName.
ATLAS-179: Atlas hook causes mem leak and Hive server 2 crashes.
ATLAS-180: Cleanup Atlas doc packaging.
ATLAS-195: Document HBase configs.
ATLAS-196: Fix Solr documentation.
ATLAS-198: Atlas UI Requires Internet Access.
ATLAS-238: the Atlas server won’t restart after improper shutdown.
ATLAS-279: UI not displaying results for certain successful "select" search queries.
ATLAS-31: Fixed ATLAS build fails with clean repo.
ATLAS-33: Atlas restart fails.
ATLAS-334: Update documentation to reflect copying required Atlas file on Solr installation.
ATLAS-335: Kerberized cluster: Atlas fails to come up with HBase as backend.
ATLAS-344: Document HBase permissions for secure cluster.
ATLAS-344: Document HBase permissions for secure cluster.
ATLAS-350: Document jaas config details for Atlas.
ATLAS-350: Document jaas config details for Atlas.
ATLAS-351: Solr as indexing backend is not picked up by titan when storage backend is set to HBase.
ATLAS-352: Fix performance issues with type and entity creation with HBase as storage backend.
ATLAS-355: Kerberized cluster: does not have correct values for the properties.
ATLAS-36: Need separate persisted properties for HTTP and HTTPS ports.
ATLAS-361: Add validation when index backends are switched in ATLAS configuration.
ATLAS-37: Atlas repository, webapp, hive-bridge tests fails with HBase and Solr as Titan storage backend.
ATLAS-373: Renew TGT from KeyTab for ATLAS service principal.
ATLAS-45: Entity submit fails.
ATLAS-54: Rename configs in Hive hook.
ATLAS-67: Validate with secure ZooKeeper server for titan interaction with HBase and solr.
ATLAS-81: Atlas debian packaging fails in maven build.
ATLAS-86: Jenkins build failing as of build #41.
ATLAS-91: Add Solr configuration and documentation.
ATLAS-92: failed to find HiveMetaStoreBridge.
HDP 2.3.2 provided Atlas 0.5.0 and the following Apache patches:
ATLAS-15 remove specific version string as default property value
ATLAS-19 remove unnecessary docs dir
ATLAS-29 create configuration that inherits existing Hadoop config
ATLAS-31 Fixed ATLAS build fails with clean repo
ATLAS-31 Fixed Mixed Index creation fails with Date types
ATLAS-32 create HTTP connection in context of invoking user in secure cluster
ATLAS-54 Rename configs in Hive hook
HDP 2.3.0 provided Atlas 0.5.0, with no additional Apache patches.