HDP 2.4.0 provides the following Apache patches:
HADOOP-10406: TestIPC.testIpcWithReaderQueuing may fail.
HADOOP-12551: Introduce FileNotFoundException for WASB FileSystem API.
HADOOP-12608: Fix exception message in WASB when connecting with anonymous credential.
HADOOP-12678: Handle empty rename pending metadata file during atomic rename in redo path.
HDFS-8729: Fix TestFileTruncate#testTruncateWithDataNodesRestartImmediately which occasionally failed.
HDFS-9358: TestNodeCount#testNodeCount timed out.
HDFS-9406: FSImage may get corrupted after deleting snapshot.
HDFS-9672: o.a.h.hdfs.TestLeaseRecovery2 fails intermittently.
MAPREDUCE-6566: Add retry support to mapreduce CLI tool.
MAPREDUCE-6618: YarnClientProtocolProvider leaking the YarnClient thread.
MAPREDUCE-6621: Memory Link in JobClient#submitJobInternal().
YARN-3480: Remove attempts that are beyond max-attempt limit from state store.
YARN-4309: Add container launch related debug information to container logs when a container fails.
YARN-4497: RM might fail to restart when recovering apps whose attempts are missing.
YARN-4565: Sometimes when sizeBasedWeight FairOrderingPolicy is enabled, under stress appears that cluster is virtually in deadlock.
YARN-4584: RM startup failure when AM attempts greater than max-attempts.
YARN-4625: ApplicationSubmissionContext and ApplicationSubmissionContextInfo more consistent.