HDP-2.4.2 Release Notes
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Fixed Issues in HDP 2.4.2

The following tables list and describe issues reported by customers through Hortonworks Support or Hortonworks Quality Engineering, and their resolutions in HDP 2.4.2.

Potential Data Loss

Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA

Apache Component


BUG-52963HDFS-9289HDFSMake DataStreamer#block thread safe and verify genStamp in commitBlock.


Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA

Apache Component


BUG-48092RANGER-746RangerRanger Admin: For validating plugins SSL certs - Add wildcard, multiple CN & SAN support.
BUG-51298HBASE-15145HBaseDefault hbase-env.sh breaks add peer command that writes to /hbase-secure/replication znode for kerberized clusters.
BUG-52193RANGER-798RangerRanger "Access > Audit" not showing anything with Source "Solr" due to Time filter Issue (GMT).
BUG-52636STORM-1521StormKerberos login from keytab with multiple bolts/executors ticket is not renewed for HBase Bolt.
BUG-53108HIVE-13120HiveHiveserver2 doAs=true, local fetch task on orc table permission checks on wrong user.
BUG-53766STORM-1535StormStorm-HDFS - When using keytab, Kerberos ticket is not renewed with multiple bolts/executors.

Incorrect Results

Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA

Apache Component


BUG-49949 HiveQuery with duplicate columns in GROUP BY clause fails.
BUG-51192HIVE-12905HiveHive LEFT JOIN with empty data set produces empty data set.
BUG-52706HIVE-12742HiveNULL table comparison within CASE does not work as previous hive versions.
BUG-53777PIG-4690PigPig on TEZ creates wrong result with replicated join.
BUG-53918PHOENIX-2601PhoenixQuery result is incorrect when both index hint and limit are used.
BUG-53927HIVE-13330HiveVectorization returns NULL for empty values for varchar/string data type.
BUG-54958HIVE-13361, HIVE-13362Hive, Hive2Orc concatenation cannot enforce the compression buffer size.


Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA

Apache Component


BUG-51303HIVE-11470HCatalog, HiveNPE in DynamicPartFileRecordWriterContainer on null part-keys.
BUG-51808HIVE-11097HiveMR mode query fails if one table path string starts with another's.
BUG-51829YARN-4820YARNResourceManager JMX Redirects in HA Mode Drops the Query Parameters.
BUG-52479PHOENIX-1968, PHOENIX-2036, PHOENIX-2088, PHOENIX-2112, PHOENIX-2196, PHOENIX-2287, PHOENIX-2288, PHOENIX-2328, PHOENIX-2426, PHOENIX-2469, PHOENIX-2503, PHOENIX-2567, PHOENIX-2568, PHOENIX-2599, PHOENIX-2638PhoenixPhoenix-Spark integration inoperative in HDP 2.3.4.
BUG-52732HIVE-12947HiveSMB mapjoin query runtime error "FileSinkOperator cannot be cast to org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DummyStoreOperator".
BUG-52957PHOENIX-2295PhoenixNullPointerException when parsing a query with hints in UNION ALL.
BUG-53260HIVE-13092HiveVectorized java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.ListTypeInfo cannot be cast to org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.PrimitiveTypeInfo.
BUG-53482PIG-4814PigAvroStorage does not take namenode HA as part of schema file URL.
BUG-53499PIG-4790PigCannot use values iterator on the previous K-V pair after moveToNext has been invoked to move to the next K-V.
BUG-53671HIVE-10308HDP / Stack, HiveVectorization execution throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported complex type: MAP.
BUG-54106HIVE-13263HiveVectorization: Unable to vectorize regexp_extract " Udf: GenericUDFBridge, is not supported".
BUG-54199PHOENIX-2616PhoenixIndexes over immutable tables not marked as immutable.
BUG-54214HIVE-13144Hive, Hive2HS2 can leak ZK ACL objects when curator retries to create the persistent ephemeral node.
BUG-54650KNOX-695KnoxIntermittent java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out between Knox server and Hiveserver2.
BUG-54713STORM-1689StormLarge request header causes 413 ERROR when accessing Storm Logviewer.
BUG-54822HIVE-13151Hive, Hive2Hive metastore memory leak of fs cache with ACID compaction on.

Query Failure

Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA

Apache Component


BUG-54388, BUG-51701, BUG-53494MAPREDUCE-6635MapReduce, Tezjava.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException running select count(*) query on table with skip.header.line.count.


Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA

Apache Component


BUG-53878 KafkaRunning bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh outputs "No brokers found in ZK". Script modified to address this issue.
BUG-54155RANGER-882RangerRanger policy engine initialization failure caused namenode startup to fail.


Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA

Apache Component


BUG-47662RANGER-218RangerUserSync - group sync is marked as INTERNAL even if the group is synced from LDAP.
BUG-48573OOZIE-2322OozieOozie Web UI doesn't work with Kerberos in Internet Explorer 10 or 11 and curl.
BUG-52257FALCON-1315FalconFalcon UI Hive mirroring : Unable to provide security credentials.
BUG-52260SQOOP-2737SqoopCannot import table from Oracle with column with spaces in name.
BUG-52702SQOOP-2779SqoopSqoop metastore doesn't seem to recognize --schema option.
BUG-52951FALCON-1647FalconUnable to create feed : FilePermission error under cluster staging directory.
BUG-54681RANGER-889RangerCreate new method for partners to use for integration.
BUG-55216FALCON-748FalconFalcon webUI return 413 error when SSL is enabled.


Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA

Apache Component


BUG-52708RANGER-809RangerRemove reference to getLocalHost() call from Audit code to avoid performance impact.
BUG-52729RANGER-821RangerNameNode shutdown hangs due to Ranger HDFS plugin.
BUG-53028RANGER-794, RANGER-836, RANGER-844RangerPolicy download optimizations.


Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA

Apache Component


BUG-51738HBASE-15147HBaseBackport HBASE-15147: Shell should use Admin.listTableNames() instead of Admin.listTables().
BUG-53095HADOOP-12825Hadoop CommonLog slow name resolutions.
BUG-53871HBASE-15128HBaseDisable region splits and merges switch in master.
BUG-54764MAPREDUCE-6436MapReduceJobHistoryServer cache issues.