HDP-2.4.2 Release Notes
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Known Issues

Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA

Apache Component


BUG-14789 FlumeReceiving Error when using bzip compression.
BUG-17827 SqoopSqoop gails to create tables with reserved keywords.
BUG-22452 FlumeGot java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException when filechannel.capacity is set to more than 268434426.
BUG-27069FLUME-2118FlumeOccasional multi-hour pauses in file channel replay.
BUG-30022HIVE-7693Hive, Hive2Invalid column ref error in order by when using column alias in select clause and using having.
BUG-31377 FalconDeleting an entity in Falcon will tell "falcon/test(cluster) removed successfully" even though the entity does not exist.
BUG-33453 FlumeMultiple sinks definitions result in Flume treating the last in the file as the definition.
BUG-33577FLUME-2119FlumeWhen using spool directory for Flume agent, the flume-ng process stops when a file with the same name exist in the spool dir with completed suffix.
BUG-33598FALCON-1480FalconGather data transfer detail of replication job from HiveDR.
BUG-35149YARN-4392YARNATS logs show start timestamp later than end timestamp.
BUG-35792 HiveQuery on view results fails with table not found error, view created with subquery alias (CTE).
BUG-37146 FalconFalcon recipe does not support NN HA endpoint.
BUG-39283 Falcon, YARNFalcon should support RM HA for remote cluster.
BUG-39988HIVE-11110HiveCBO: Default partition filter is from MetaStore query causing TPC-DS to regress by 3x.
BUG-40923 HiveHIVE_METASTORE_HADOOP_OPTS memory configs -Xmx overridden by HADOOP_OPTS or HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS.
BUG-41362SQOOP-1361SqoopSqoop import with --as-avrofile does not work when DB table column names have '$' character in them.
BUG-42190 Ambari, StormAmbari start Storm UI reports failure, although UI starts.
BUG-44798FALCON-1437FalconIn Falcon UI, perform changes for Notification in recipes.
BUG-46095HDFS-8831, HDFS-9799HDFSTrash support for TDE.
BUG-46235FLUME-2799FlumeKafka Source - Message Offset and Partition add to headers.
BUG-46316SQOOP-2471SqoopImport of arrays and struct datatypes not supported in Sqoop Hcatalog.
BUG-46771HIVE-11716HiveReading ACID table from non-acid session should raise an error.
BUG-46789HIVE-13151Hive, Hive2Hive metastore memory leak of fs cache with ACID compaction on.
BUG-46862 Hive, Hive2Hive metastore memory leak with ACID compaction on - SQLConnection leak observed as well.
BUG-47069FALCON-1102FalconCapture data transfer details of feed replication and HDFS DR recipe.
BUG-47441 Ambari, HiveAmbari Rolling Upgrade- Upgraded from HDP to HDP 2.3.2 changes the hiveserver 2 port from 10000 to 10010 after upgrade is complete.
BUG-47635 SqoopSqoop scripts can exhibit unexpected behavior with Accumulo client installed.
BUG-47948HIVE-11388, HIVE-13344HiveAllow ACID Compactor components to run in multiple metastores.
BUG-48990HIVE-12837HiveMicroStrategy query 117 fails with out of memory error.
BUG-49531HIVE-11740HCatalog, HiveNPE in DynamicPartFileRecordWriterContainer on null part-keys.
BUG-49726HIVE-10632HiveHive compactor processing partitions of table that does not exist.
BUG-50390 SqoopSqoop import from Teradata does not support CHAR data type as column type for hcat table.
BUG-50767 FalconCan't edit Falcon process specifications on Falcon Web UI once process is saved.
BUG-51516AMBARI-15500Ambari, AtlasAtlas alert present when WE is enabled.
BUG-51596HIVE-12439HiveHive Compactor cleaner thread fails to clean aborted txns due to ORA-01795 limit.
BUG-51723HADOOP-12444Hadoop CommonConsider implementing lazy seek in S3AInputStream.
BUG-51896HIVE-13013HiveFurther improve concurrency in TxnHandler.
BUG-51986HIVE-12996HiveTemp tables shouldn't be stored in metastore tables for ACID.
BUG-52058 Ambari, SparkSpark History Server heap size is not exposed (History Server crashed with OOM).
BUG-52313HIVE-13392HiveHive compactor job failing because multiple attempts using same tmp dir on hdfs.
BUG-52573HIVE-13051Hive, Hive2Compactor failing with timeout to getTable.

Policy download optimizations.

These optimizations improve performance of Ranger while handling a large number of authorization policies – like tens of thousands of policies. The optimizations include:

  • Addition of appropriate database indexes

BUG-53072KAFKA-2854KafkaThe full Kerberos principal must be passed through for incoming requests to Kafka.
BUG-53267HIVE-12022HiveNPE: hive.ql.io.sarg.SearchArgumentImpl$PredicateLeafImpl.
BUG-53270 HiveQuery with duplicate columns in GROUP BY clause fails.
BUG-53536OOZIE-2185OozieMake Oozie CLI source conf/oozie-env.sh.
BUG-53563HIVE-13187Hive, Hive2Hiveserver2 can suppress OOM errors in some cases.

Block ID-based DN storage layout can be very slow for datanode on ext4.

HDFS-8791 introduces a new datanode layout format. This layout is identical to the previous block ID based layout except it has a smaller 32x32 sub-directory structure in each data storage. On startup, the datanode will automatically upgrade its storages to this new layout. Currently, datanode layout changes support rolling upgrades, but downgrading is not supported between datanode layout changes and a rollback would be required.

BUG-53656HDFS-8999HDFSAllow a file to be closed with COMMITTED but not yet COMPLETE blocks.
BUG-53757 HiveStats are not properly accounted for when multiple COUNT(DISTINCT) are in the query.
BUG-53789HIVE-13201HiveCompaction shouldn't be allowed on non-ACID table.
BUG-53830HIVE-13189HiveConsider using Joda DateTimeFormatter instead of SimpleDateFormat in GenericUDFDateAdd.
BUG-53938HIVE-13043HiveBackport HIVE-13043: Reload function has no impact to function registry.
BUG-54518 Hive, Hive2Hybrid mapjoin allocates memory the same for multi broadcast.
BUG-54732AMBARI-15431Ambari, AtlasAtlas Server start failed after enabling security.
BUG-55089YARN-4863YARNMahout Client check failed during Kerberos setup.
BUG-55105HIVE-13369HiveAcidUtils.getAcidState() is not paying attention toValidTxnList when choosing the "best" base file.
BUG-55223 Kafka

Mirror maker command is failing

When running the Kafka MirrorMaker tool:

IssueIf you specify --white-list=".*", MirrorMaker tries to fetch data from the system-level topic __consumer-offsets and produce the data to the target cluster. This can result in the following error:

Producer cannot send requests to __consumer-offsets

Workaround: add --whitelist="topic1,topic2" instead of .*

BUG-55879 HBase


Issue: Given one table name, creating, pre-splitting, deleting and then recreating with the same name and split point in quick succession can result in the HBase region locator cache returning invalid region locations. This has been observed in tests around the HBase replication feature.

Error Message: On the source HBase cluster: 2016-04-19 13:07:28,355 WARN [main-EventThread.replicationSource,TestPeer] regionserver.HBaseInterClusterReplicationEndpoint: Can't replicate because of an error on the remote cluster: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RemoteWithExtrasException(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException):

Workaround: When re-creating a table which has already been configured for replication, restart the sink (destination) cluster after the table was recreated to ensure that invalid region locations are not cached.


Issue: It has been observed that, occasionally, when configuring HBase to use an HDFS encryption zone (aka TDE - transparent data encryption), some WAL updates were lost in the HBase replication process. This results in not all updates to be propagated from the source cluster to the sink cluster.

Error Message: No error message, but fewer entries in the sink cluster's table than the source cluster's table when TDE is enabled would be the sign that there was a problem.

Workaround: None.

BUG-56664 HiveHive TPC-DS query4 and microstrategy fails with NPE in custom partition edge

Description of Problem: Ranger audit to HDFS fails with TGT errors

Workaround: Currently, there is no known workaround for this issue.

Technical Service BulletinApache JIRAApache ComponentSummary

Impact of LDAP Channel Binding and LDAP signing changes in Microsoft Active Directory

Microsoft has introduced changes in LDAP Signing and LDAP Channel Binding to increase the security for communications between LDAP clients and Active Directory domain controllers. These optional changes will have an impact on how 3rd party products integrate with Active Directory using the LDAP protocol.


Disable LDAP Signing and LDAP Channel Binding features in Microsoft Active Directory if they are enabled

For more information on this issue, see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB-2021 405: Impact of LDAP Channel Binding and LDAP signing changes in Microsoft Active Directory


CVE-2020-9492 Hadoop filesystem bindings (ie: webhdfs) allows credential stealing

WebHDFS clients might send SPNEGO authorization header to remote URL without proper verification. A maliciously crafted request can trigger services to send server credentials to a webhdfs path (ie: webhdfs://…) for capturing the service principal

For more information on this issue, see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB-2021 406: CVE-2020-9492 Hadoop filesystem bindings (ie: webhdfs) allows credential stealing

TSB-434HADOOP-17208, HADOOP-17304Hadoop

KMS Load Balancing Provider Fails to invalidate Cache on Key Delete

For more information on this issue, see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB 2020-434: KMS Load Balancing Provider Fails to invalidate Cache on Key Delete


Corruption of HBase data stored with MOB feature

For more information on this issue, see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB 2021-465: Corruption of HBase data stored with MOB feature on upgrade from CDH 5 and HDP 2


CVE-2021-27905: Apache Solr SSRF vulnerability with the Replication handler

The Apache Solr ReplicationHandler (normally registered at "/replication" under a Solr core) has a "masterUrl" (also "leaderUrl" alias) parameter. The “masterUrl” parameter is used to designate another ReplicationHandler on another Solr core to replicate index data into the local core. To help prevent the CVE-2021-27905 SSRF vulnerability, Solr should check these parameters against a similar configuration used for the "shards" parameter.

For more information on this issue, see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB 2021-497: CVE-2021-27905: Apache Solr SSRF vulnerability with the Replication handler


HBase MOB data loss

HBase tables with the MOB feature enabled may encounter problems which result in data loss.

For more information on this issue, see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB 2021-512: HBase MOB data loss