HDP-2.4.2 Release Notes
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HDP 2.4.2 provides Storm 0.10.0-beta and the following Apache patches:

  • STORM-1001:Undefined STORM_EXT_CLASSPATH adds '::' to classpath of workers.

  • STORM-1005:Supervisor do not get running workers after restart.

  • STORM-1024:log4j changes leaving ${sys:storm.log.dir} under STORM_HOME dir.

  • STORM-1027:Use overflow buffer for emitting metrics.

  • STORM-1037:Do not remove STORM-code in supervisor until kill job.

  • STORM-1044:Setting dop to zero does not raise an error.

  • STORM-1096:Fix some issues with impersonation on the UI.

  • STORM-1108:Fix NPE in simulated time.

  • STORM-1121:Deprecate test only configuration nimbus.reassign.

  • STORM-139:hashCode does not work for byte[].

  • STORM-1481:Avoid Math.abs(Integer) get a negative value.

  • STORM-1482:Add missing 'break' for RedisStoreBolt.

  • STORM-1521:When using Kerberos login from keytab with multiple bolts/executors ticket is not renewed.

  • STORM-584:Fix logging for LoggingMetricsConsumer metrics.log file.

  • STORM-793:Made change to logviewer.clj in order to remove the invalid http 500 response.

  • STORM-810:PartitionManager in STORM-kafka should commit latest offset before close.

  • STORM-837:HdfsState ignores commits.

  • STORM-866:Use storm.log.dir instead of storm.home in log4j2 config.

  • STORM-966:ConfigValidation.DoubleValidator doesn't really validate whether the type of the object is a double.

  • STORM-977:Incorrect signal (-9) when as-user is true.

  • STORM-992:A bug in the timer.clj might cause unexpected delay to schedule new event.

HDP 2.4.0 provided Storm 0.10.0-beta and the following Apache patches:

  • STORM-1476: Filter -c options from args and add them as part of storm.options.

  • STORM-422: Allow more arguments to be passed to storm jar.

  • STORM-745: Fix storm.cmd to evaluate 'shift' correctly with 'storm jar'.