Data Governance
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Associating Taxonomy Terms with Assets

  1. Select an asset. In the example below, we searched for all hive_table assets, and then selected the "customer_details" table from the list of search results. To associate a taxonomy term with an asset, click the + icon next to the Terms: label.

  2. On the Assign Term pop-up, browse to select a taxonomy term. Here we have selected the term "Customers".

    You can also filter the list of tags by typing text in the Search Term box, and then click to select a term.


    In the Search Term list (and elsewhere in the UI), a period symbol is used as a separator to indicate taxonomy hierarchy levels. For example, Catalog.Sales.Customers represents the Catalog > Sales > Customers taxonomy level.

  3. After you select a term, click Assign. The new term is displayed next to the Terms: label on the asset page.

  4. You can view details about a taxonomy term by clicking the term name on the term label.

    To remove a term from an asset, click the x symbol on the term label, then click Remove on the confirmation pop-up. This removes the term association with the asset, but does not delete the term itself.