Command Line Installation
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Configure Storm

In Storm 1.0 , Java package naming moved from backtype.storm to org.apache.storm.

If you intend to run any topologies that used to run previous versions of Storm in Storm 1.0, you can do so by using one of two options:

  • You can rebuild the topology by renaming the imports of the backtype.storm package to org.apache in all of your topology code.


  • You can add config Client.jartransformer.class = org.apache.storm.hack.StormShadeTransformer to storm.yaml.

Either of these configurations allows the storm jar to transform all of the backtype.storm imports in your topology to org.apache.storm.

Use the following procedure to configure Storm:

  1. Add the following properties to the /etc/storm/conf/storm.yaml file, substituting your own list of hostnames and ports:

    storm.zookeeper.servers: [<zookeeper-servers>]              
    nimbus.seeds: [<nimbus-hostnames>]
    storm.local.dir: $STORM_LOCAL_DIR
    logviewer.port: 8081   


    <zookeeper-servers> is a comma-separated list of ZooKeeper servers.

    <nimbus-hostnames> is a comma-separated list of hosts where the Storm Nimbus server is started.

    $STORM_LOCAL_DIR should be /storm/local, and it must exist on all Storm nodes.

    For example:

    storm.zookeeper.servers: ["host1:port1", "host2:port2", "host3:port3"]
    nimbus.seeds: ["host1:port1", "host2:port2"]
    storm.local.dir: /mnt/storm
    logviewer.port: 8081
  2. Run the following commands:

    chown -R storm:storm $STORM_LOCAL_DIR

    chmod -R 755 $STORM_LOCAL_DIR