Command Line Installation
Also available as:

Installing Atlas Metadata Apache Hive Plugin

To install Atlas Metadata Hive Plugin on the HiveServer2 Host, use the following command:

  • For RHEL or CentOS:

    yum install atlas-metadata_2_4_*-hive-plugin*

  • For SLES:

    zypper install atlas-metadata_2_4_*-hive-plugin*

  • For Ubuntu and Debian:

    apt-get install atlas-metadata_2_4_*-hive-plugin*


By default the config directory used by Atlas is /usr/hdp/<hdp-version>/atlas/conf. To override this set environment the variable METADATA_CONF to the path of the conf dir. is included in Atlas config directory. This file can be used to set various environment variables that you need for your services. In addition, you can set any other environment variables you might need.