Command Line Installation
Also available as:

Installing the Hive-HCatalog Package


It is recommended that you set the soft and hard limits for number of processes that the Hive user can consume in your server /etc/security/limits.conf file as follows.

For non-secured clusters:

<hive user ID>     soft     nproc     128
<hive user ID>     hard     nproc     1024

For secured clusters:

<hive user ID>     soft     nproc     128
<hive user ID>     hard     nproc     32768
  1. On all client/gateway nodes (on which Hive programs are executed), Hive Metastore Server, and HiveServer2 machine, install the Hive RPMs.

    • For RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux:

      yum install hive-hcatalog

    • For SLES:

      zypper install hive-hcatalog

    • For Ubuntu:

      apt-get install hive-hcatalog

  2. (Optional) Download and install the database connector .jar file for your Hive metastore database.

    By default, Hive uses an embedded Derby database for its metastore. However, Derby is not recommended for production use. Use MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, or Postgres for production use.

    You need to install the appropriate JDBC connector for your Hive metastore database. Hortonworks recommends using an embedded instance of the Hive Metastore with HiveServer2. An embedded metastore runs in the same process with HiveServer2 rather than as a separate daemon.


    If you are using MySQL, you must use or later JDBC driver.

    For example, if you previously installed MySQL, you would use the following steps to install the MySQL JDBC connector:

    1. Execute the following command on the Hive metastore machine.


        yum install mysql-connector-java*

      • For SLES:

        zypper install mysql-connector-java*

      • For UBUNTU/Debian:

        apt-get install mysql-connector-java*

    2. After the install, the MySQL connector .jar file is placed in the /usr/share/java/ directory. Copy the downloaded .jar file to the /usr/hdp/current/hive-client/lib/ directory on your Hive host machine.

    3. Verify that the .jar file has at least the minimum set of permissions required.