Chapter 4. Back Up Configurations
Next, make backups of the following configurations:
Backup WebHcat Configuration
WebHcat configuration might be erased when HDP rpm package is uninstalled. It is recommended to backup WebHcat configuration on WebHcat node for rollback.
mkdir -p /tmp/backup tar cfvz /tmp/backup/webhcat.tar.gz /etc/hive-webhcat
Back up Hcatalog Configuration
Hcatalog configuration might be erased when HDP rpm package is uninstalled. It is recommended to backup Hcatalog configuration on Hcatlog node for rollback.
tar cfvz /tmp/backup/hcatalog.tar.gz /etc/hive-hcatalog
Back up Spark Configuration
Spark configuration will be erased when HDP rpm package is uninstalled. It is recommended to backup Spark configuration on all nodes for rollback.
tar cfvz /tmp/backup/spark.tar.gz /etc/spark
Back up Solr
This topic describes the steps necessary to back up your Solr index, configurations, data, and core instance.
Preparing Solr for Backups
1. For each replica, optimize the index.
2. Verify that for each replica, the value of num_docs is equal to the value of total_docs.
3. Verify that all Collections are healthy.
4. Verify that all Shards have live leaders.
5. Verify that all Replicas of a collection are healthy.
6. Record the number of documents in each replica.
7. Stop Solr and run CheckHDFSIndex for each replica to verify index health.
8. Start Solr.
Back up Jars
Backup all custom jars added to Solr’s classpath.
The jars in the classpath can be seen on the Solr UI unde Java properties.
For each replica, check status of backup.
Back up Index
Create a directory owned by Solr to store the backups.
For each replica, create a backup.
Do not issue multiple backup commands on the same replica!
Verify Backups
For each backup, run CheckIndex.
Verify index integrity.
Example Code:
#CheckIndex su - solr cd /usr/iop/ java -cp "$(hadoop classpath): ./server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/*:./server/lib/ext/*:/usr/iop/current/hadoop-client/lib/servlet-api-2.5.jar" -ea:org.apache.lucene... org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex /tmp/backups/snapshot.c1_shard1_replica1/ #CheckHDFSIndex su - solr cd /usr/iop/ java -cp "$(hadoop classpath): ./server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/*:./server/lib/ext/*:/usr/iop/current/hadoop-client/lib/servlet-api-2.5.jar" -ea:org.apache.lucene... org.apache.solr.index.hdfs.CheckHdfsIndex hdfs:// #Backup su - solr curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/c1_shard1_replica1/replication?command=backup&name=c1_shard1_replica1&location=/tmp/backups' #Backup Status curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/c1_shard1_replica1/replication?command=details' | xmllint --format
Backup Configuration:
fromor download the Solr mpack from
(replace centos 7 with centos6 in the path if the machine is running centos6 OS). Untar that tarball, and find the
in the\utilities
folder.Backup configurations
Create a backup folder.
For example:
mkdir -p /tmp/solr-backup
Run with
--action backup
flag:/usr/bin/python --action backup --backup-location /tmp/solr-backup --cluster <cluster-name> -H <ambari-server-host> --username <ambari-admin-username> --password <ambari-admin-password> --port <ambari-server-port>
Note This operation will generate SOLR-backup-*.json files.
Ambari credentials/host/port are used here.
if ambari-server uses https.Backup solr core (optional, but recommended):
"curl http://<solr-server>:8983/solr/<core_name>/replication?command=backup&location=<backup-location>
Replace core name and backup location with actual ones.
Note Do not forget
and--negotaiate -u:
flags in the curl command if Solr uses kerberos.If you are migrating from IOP 4.2.0, see