IOP to HDP Migration
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Upgrading Kerberos krb5.conf

Ambari has added support for handling more than one KDC host . Only one kadmin host is supported by the Kerberos infrastructure. This required modifications for the krb5.conf template. In order for Ambari to properly construct the krb5.conf configuration file, make the following configuration change if your cluster meets all of these criteria:

  • Kerberos is enabled and Ambari is configured for automated setup, and

  • Ambari is managing the krb5.conf, and

  • You have modified the krb5.conf template content from the default content. If you have not modified the default content, Ambari will automatically update the template content as part of upgrade and these configuration updates do not need to be applied manually.

If you meet all of the above criteria, you must update the krb5.conf template content found in Services > Kerberos > Advanced:

Original Template Entry

Updated Template Entry

admin_server = {{admin_server_host|default(kdc_host, True)}}

admin_server = {{admin_server_host|default(kdc_host_list[0]|trim(), True)}}

kdc = {{kdc_host}}

{% for kdc_host in kdc_host_list %}

kdc = {{kdc_host|trim()}}

{%- endfor -%}

More Information

Configure Ambari for Automated Setup