Spark Service Ports
The following table lists the default ports used by Spark.
Service | Servers | Default Ports Used | Protocol | Description | Need End User Access? | Configuration Parameters |
Spark history server | SHS HTTP server | 18080-18081 | HTTP | The port to which the web interface of the history server binds | Yes - For accessing SHS UI |
Spark Web UI | Node where spark application is triggered | 4040 (4041, ..., if more applications are running) | HTTP | Port used by spark web UI | Yes - For accessing web UI |
Livy Server | Livy server node | 8998-8999 | HTTP | Port on which livy server is running | Used by applications which wants to trigger Spark jobs using Livy |
Hive thrift server | Hive thrift http server node | 10002 | HTTP | Port number of hive server2 thrift interface when ‘hive.server2.transport.mode’ is ‘HTTP’ | Yes - Used for running Spark SQL via thrift interface |
Hive thrift server | Hive thrift TCP server node | 10015-10016 | TCP | TCP port number to listen on | Yes - Used for running Spark SQL via thrift interface |
hive.server2.thrift.port |