Also available as:

Storm Service Ports

The following table lists the default ports used by Storm.

Table 1.20. Storm Service Ports
Service Servers Default Port Default Ambari Port Protocol Description Need End User Access? Configuration Parameters

ZooKeeper Port

2181 Port used by localhost to talk to ZooKeeper. storm.zookeeper.port
DRPC Port 3772 drpc.port

DRPC Invocations Port

3773 drpc.invocations.port
Nimbus Thrift Port


Supervisor Slots Ports 6700, 6701, 6702, 6703 Defines the amount of workers that can be run on this machine. Each worker is assigned a port to use for communication. supervisor.slots.ports
Logviewer Port 8000 logviewer.port
UI Port 8080 8744 ui.port