Integrating Apache Hive with Kafka, Spark, and BI
Also available as:

Read and write operations

The API supports reading and writing Hive tables from Spark. HWC supports writing to ORC tables only. You can update statements and write DataFrames to partitioned Hive tables, perform batch writes, and use HiveStreaming.

Pruning and pushdowns

To prevent data correctness issues in this release, pruning and projection pushdown is disabled by default. The spark.datasource.hive.warehouse.disable.pruning.and.pushdowns property is set to true. Incorrect data can appear when one dataframe is derived from the other with different filters or projections (parent-child dataframe with different set of filters/projections). Spark 2.3.x creates only one read instance per parent dataframe and uses that instance for all actions on any child dataframe. The following example shows one of many ways the problem can occur during filtering:
The following example shows one of many ways the problem can occur with projection pushdowns:

To prevent these issues and ensure correct results, do not enable pruning and pushdowns. To enable pruning and pushdown, set the spark.datasource.hive.warehouse.disable.pruning.and.pushdowns=false.

Read operations

Execute a Hive SELECT query and return a DataFrame.

hive.executeQuery("select * from web_sales")

HWC supports push-downs of DataFrame filters and projections applied to executeQuery.

Execute a Hive update statement

Execute CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, and MERGE statements in this way:

hive.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE old_name RENAME TO new_name")

Write a DataFrame to Hive in batch

This operation uses LOAD DATA INTO TABLE.


df.write.format(HIVE_WAREHOUSE_CONNECTOR).option("table", <tableName>).save()


df.write.format(HiveWarehouseSession().HIVE_WAREHOUSE_CONNECTOR).option("table", &tableName>).save()

Write a DataFrame to Hive, specifying partitions

HWC follows Hive semantics for overwriting data with and without partitions and is not affected by the setting of spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode to static or dynamic. This behavior mimics the latest Spark Community trend reflected in Spark-20236 (link below).


df.write.format(HIVE_WAREHOUSE_CONNECTOR).option("table", <tableName>).option("partition", <partition_spec>).save()


df.write.format(HiveWarehouseSession().HIVE_WAREHOUSE_CONNECTOR).option("table", &tableName>).option("partition", <partition_spec>).save()
Where <partition_spec> is in one of the following forms:
  • option("partition", "c1='val1',c2=val2") // static
  • option("partition", "c1='val1',c2") // static followed by dynamic
  • option("partition", "c1,c2") // dynamic
Depending on the partition spec, HWC generates queries in one of the following forms for writing data to Hive.
  • No partitions specified = LOAD DATA
  • Only static partitions specified = LOAD DATA...PARTITION
  • Some dynamic partition present = CREATE TEMP TABLE + INSERT INTO/OVERWRITE query.

Note: Writing static partitions is faster than writing dynamic partitions.

Write a DataFrame to Hive using HiveStreaming

When using HiveStreaming to write a DataFrame to Hive or a Spark Stream to Hive, you need to escape any commas in the stream, as shown in Use the Hive Warehouse Connector for Streaming (link below).


//Using dynamic partitioning
df.write.format(DATAFRAME_TO_STREAM).option("table", <tableName>).save()
//Or, writing to a static partition
df.write.format(DATAFRAME_TO_STREAM).option("table", <tableName>).option("partition", <partition>).save() 


//Using dynamic partitioning
df.write.format(HiveWarehouseSession().DATAFRAME_TO_STREAM).option("table", <tableName>).save()
//Or, writing to a static partition
df.write.format(HiveWarehouseSession().DATAFRAME_TO_STREAM).option("table", <tableName>).option("partition", <partition>).save()     

Write a Spark Stream to Hive using HiveStreaming


stream.writeStream.format(STREAM_TO_STREAM).option("table", "web_sales").start()


stream.writeStream.format(HiveWarehouseSession().STREAM_TO_STREAM).option("table", "web_sales").start()