Integrating Apache Hive with Kafka, Spark, and BI
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Connect Apache Hive to Superset

You can connect to Hive to create a Superset visualization.

Upon completion of this task, you can create a Superset visualization.
You have started the Superset service in Ambari.
  1. Click Superset.
  2. In the Summary portion of Quick Links, click Superset and log in using your Superset user name and password.
    An empty dashboard appears.
  3. From Sources, select Databases.
  4. In Add Filter, add a new record.
  5. In Add Database, enter the name of your Hive database: for example, default.
  6. Enter the SQLAlchemy URL for accessing your database.
    For example, assuming HiveServer is running on node c7402, connect the database named default to the Superset listening port 10000:
    ZooKeeper-based URL discovery is not supported.
  7. Click Test Connection.
    The success message appears, and the names of any tables in the database appear at the bottom of the page.
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Save.