Running FS Shell Commands
Many of the standard Hadoop FileSystem shell commands that interact with HDFS also can be used to interact with Cloud Object Stores. They can be useful for a few specific purposes including confirming that the authentication with your cloud service works, debugging, browsing files and creating directories (as an alternative to the cloud service-specific tools), and other management operations.
When running the commands, provide a fully qualified URL. The commands use the following syntax
hadoop fs -<operation> URL
indicates a particular action to be performed against a
directory or a file.
For example, the following command lists all files in a directory called "dir1", which resides in an Amazon S3 bucket called "bucket1":
hadoop fs -ls s3a://bucket1/dir1
Create directories and create or copy files into them:
# Create a directory hadoop fs -mkdir s3a://bucket1/datasets # Upload a file from the cluster filesystem hadoop fs -put /datasets/example.orc s3a://bucket1/datasets/ # Touch a file hadoop fs -touchz s3a://bucket1/datasetstouched
Download and view objects:
# Copy a directory to the local filesystem hadoop fs -copyToLocal s3a://bucket1/datasets/ # Copy a file from the object store to the local filesystem hadoop fs -get s3a://bucket1/hello.txt /examples # Print the object hadoop fs -cat s3a://bucket1/hello.txt # Print the object, unzipping it if necessary hadoop fs -text s3a://bucket1/hello.txt # Download log files into a local file hadoop fs -getmerge s3a://s3a://bucket1/logs\* log.txt
Related Links
Commands That May Be Slower with Cloud Object Storage
Unsupported Filesystem Operations
Deleting Files on Cloud Object Stores