Apache Solr Search Installation
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Chapter 4. Upgrading HDP Search

This chapter describes prerequisites required to upgrade HDP Search 3.0 to HDP Search 4.0.


Before upgrading HDP Search, you should ensure that all indexing has stopped for Solr and all connectors, including Hadoop, Hive, and via Pig.


Do not attempt to upgrade a cluster with HDP Search 3.0 to Ambari 2.7.x and HDP 3.x without first following the steps below to prepare your cluster for HDP Search 4.0.

  1. Stop Solr service by removing .pid file.

  2. Remove Solr service from Ambari.

  3. Upgrade Ambari to 2.7.3

  4. Verify that Ambari upgrade suceeded.

  5. Upgrade Ambari Metrics, Smartsense, and Infra Solr.

  6. Upgrade the Stack.

  7. Upgrade the HDPSearch mpack.

  8. Follow Lucidworks instructions to upgrade HDPSearch.

  9. Add the Solr service to your cluster, using the Ambari Web UI.