Hortonworks Data Platform for HDInsight
Also available as:

HDInsight Fixed Issues

The fixed issues listed here are issues that were specifically addressed to support HDInsight. For fixed issues in Ambari, see the Ambari HDInsight Release Notes.

HDP-M-30-U17 (20 July 2020)


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
Hadoop-17089 HADOOP-17089 Hadoop Common WASB: Update azure-storage-java SDK. WASB depends on the Azure Storage Java SDK. This fix solves the concurrency bug in the Azure Storage Java SDK that can cause the results of a list blobs operation to appear empty.

HDP-M-30-U16 (1 June 2020)


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
Hadoop-16068 HADOOP-16068 Hadoop Common ABFS Authentication and Delegation Token plugins to optionally be bound to specific URI of the store
BUG-123548 OOZIE-3440 Oozie Oozie Spark action replaces path symlink # to %23

HDP-M-30-U15 (3 April 2020)


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
WASB-150 N/A Hadoop common/WASB ABFS: Backport SAS Token provider Interface from HADOOP-16730
HADOOP-1098 N/A Hadoop common Backport fixes for double close on wasb and ABFS which affects Spark streaming


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
HIVE-1217 HIVE-19631,HIVE-19701,HIVE-19813 Hive Include Hive performance improvement fixes


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
ZEP-94 N/A Zeppelin Disable sh as a supported interpreter in Zeppelin


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
HIVE-1206 N/A Hive Orphaned Hive LLAP Daemon causes BindException on reboot
HIVE-1205 N/A Hive Service check for HiveServer 2 interactive fails on LLAP clusters


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
HIVE-1207 N/A Hive Hive LLAP: Minimum threshold of running AMs should be configurable

HDP-M-30-U14 (12 December 2019)


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-121750 ZEPPELIN-3037 Zeppelin Configure Http Request Header Size Limit for Jetty
BUG-122544 N/A Slider Exclude jackson-core-asl from Avro in Slider
BUG-122273 HADOOP-16157 Hadoop Common [Clean-up] Remove NULL check before instanceof in AzureNativeFileSystemStore
BUG-122156 HADOOP-16578 Hadoop Common ABFS: fileSystemExists() should not call container level apis
BUG-122271 HADOOP-16105 Hadoop Common WASB in secure mode does not set connectingUsingSAS
BUG-119438 HADOOP-15813 Hadoop Common Enable more reliable SSL connection reuse
HADOOP-1096 N/A Hadoop Common ABFS: Make RetryCount in ExponentialRetryPolicy Configurable
HIVE-1188 N/A Hive Yarn-Service is not launched with higher priority by HiverServer2
WASB-147 N/A WASB ABFS: Backport updates to Hadoop-16548 and Hadoop-16578
YARN-330 N/A YARN Container logs from YARN UI don't work if the container was on a node that got deleted as part of a scale down operation
ZOOK-70 N/A ZooKeeper CancelledKeyException in ZooKeeper 3.4.6


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-121845 HADOOP-16404 Hadoop Common ABFS default blocksize change(256MB from 512MB)
BUG-122154 HADOOP-16548 Hadoop Common ABFS: Config to enable/disable flush operation
BUG-122243 HADOOP-16341 Hadoop Common ShutDownHookManager: Regressed performance on Hook removals after HADOOP-15679
WASB-146 N/A WASB Backport HADOOP-16404: ABFS default blocksize change


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-118237 HADOOP-12705HADOOP-13678HADOOP-13706HADOOP-15299HADOOP-15482HADOOP-15994HDFS-10970YARN-5713 Hadoop Common Upgrade to jackson-databind version 2.9.8


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-121752 ZEPPELIN-2641ZEPPELIN-3099ZEPPELIN-3357 Zeppelin Livy interpreter doesn't support Chinese encoding
BUG-122117 HADOOP-16640 Hadoop Common WASB: Override getCanonicalServiceName() to return full URL of the WASB filesystem
SPARK-337 SPARK-28699 Spark Need SPARK-28699


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
HIVE-1197 HIVE-22209 Hive Creating a materialized view with no tables gives an error

HDP-M-30-U13 (25 October 2019)


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-121919 N/A Spark Starting of HiveServer2 Interactive fails.


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
WASB-145 N/A WASB/Hadoop Common ADLS Gen1 OpenSSL configuration control. This is similar to ADLS Gen2 config “fs.azure.ssl.channel.mode” which allows connections to be set for default JSE if openSSL connections fail to establish in cases where you have a firewall enabled cluster.


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
Hive-1192 N/A Hive HiveServer2 Process alert after upgrading to HDP-

HDP-M-30-U11 (4 June 2019)

Incorrect Results

Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Component Summary
BUG-119392 SQOOP-3139 Sqoop Backport SQOOP-3139: sqoop tries to re execute select query during import in case of a connection reset error and this is causing lots of duplicate records from source


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-118985 HADOOP-13660 Hadoop Common Upgrade commons-configuration version to 2.1
BUG-118772 HADOOP-16169 Hadoop Common ABFS: Bug fix for getPathProperties
BUG-118672 HADOOP-16182 Hadoop Common Update abfs storage back-end with "close" flag when application is done writing to a file


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-119127 N/A Ambari Upgrade bouncycastle libraries to 1.61 - ambari
BUG-118625 N/A Calcite Upgrade jackson-databind to 2.9.8
BUG-118233 N/A Druid Upgrade to jackson-databind version 2.9.8
BUG-118977 HADOOP-13678 Hadoop Common Update jackson from 1.9.13 to 2.x in hadoop-tools
BUG-118981 HADOOP-15299 Hadoop Common Bump Hadoop's Jackson 2 dependency 2.9.x
BUG-118988 HADOOP-15832 Hadoop Common Upgrade BouncyCastle to 1.60
BUG-118964 HADOOP-15482 Hadoop Common Upgrade jackson-databind to version 2.9.5
BUG-118965 HADOOP-15994 Hadoop Common Upgrade Jackson2 to 2.9.8
BUG-118237 HADOOP-13678, HADOOP-13706, HADOOP-15299, HADOOP-15482, HADOOP-15994, HDFS-10970, YARN-5713 Hadoop Common Upgrade to jackson-databind version 2.9.8
BUG-118743 N/A HDFS Upgrade commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils libraries 1.9.3
BUG-118244 N/A Hive Upgrade to jackson-databind version 2.9.8
BUG-118278 N/A Kafka Upgrade to jackson-databind version 2.9.8
BUG-119119 N/A Knox Upgrade org.springframework spring-core to 4.3.22.RELEASE
BUG-119572 N/A Knox Upgrade bouncycastle libraries to 1.61 - knox
BUG-118256 KNOX-1678 Knox Upgrade to jackson-databind version 2.9.8
BUG-119052 N/A Livy Upgrade jackson-databind to 2.9.8
BUG-119053 N/A Livy Upgrade com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core 2.9.8
BUG-118836 N/A Oozie [HDI] - Upgrade to jackson-databind version 2.9.8 for Oozie
BUG-118257 N/A Ranger Upgrade to jackson-databind version 2.9.8
BUG-118706 N/A Ranger Fix CVEs reported by HDI
BUG-118270, SLIDER-42 N/A Slider Upgrade to jackson-databind version 2.9.8
BUG-118741 N/A Spark Upgrade bouncycastle libraries to 1.61
BUG-118272 N/A Spark Upgrade to jackson-databind version 2.9.8
BUG-119347 N/A Sqoop [HDI] - Upgrade to jackson-databind version 2.9.8 for Sqoop
BUG-118795 N/A Storm Upgrade com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core 2.9.8
BUG-118794 N/A Storm Upgrade Jackson-databind 2.9.8
BUG-118979 YARN-5713 YARN Update jackson from 1.9.13 to 2.x in hadoop-yarn
BUG-119511 ZOOKEEPER-1392 Zookeeper Should not allow to read ACL when not authorized to read node


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-119132 HIVE-21478, HIVE-21479 Hive2 Microsoft - Backport of HIVE-21478 and HIVE-21479 - Bi-weekly release

HDP-M-30-U10 (6 March 2019)


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
BUG-116762 HADOOP-15940 ABFS: For HNS account, avoid unnecessary get call when doing Rename
BUG-117471 HADOOP-16041 UserAgent string for ABFS
BUG-117472 HADOOP-16074 WASB: Update container not found error code
BUG-117669 HIVE-21256 Vectorized LENGTH UDF doesn't respect the max length of VARCHAR or CHAR in Hive 2
HDFS-214 N/A Setting group for WebHCat does not work on ABFS secure
HDFS-217 N/A hdfs dfs -ls command uses short names


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
BUG-112208 HDFS-11187 Optimize disk access for last partial chunk checksum of Finalized replica


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
BUG-116748 HADOOP-15954 ABFS: Enable owner and group conversion for MSI and login user using OAuth
BUG-117081 OOZIE-3370 Property filtering is not consistent across job submission


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
BUG-114911 HADOOP-15872 Backport HADOOP-15872: ABFS: Update to target 2018-11-09 REST version for ADLS Gen 2


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
BUG-116763 HADOOP-15860 ABFS: Throw IllegalArgumentException when Directory/File name ends with a period(.)
BUG-117474 HADOOP-15662 ABFS: Better exception handling of DNS errors
BUG-117475 HADOOP-16048 ABFS: Fix Date format parser

HDP-M-30-U9 (5 February 2019)

Incorrect Results

Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
BUG-110904 HIVE-18873 Skipping predicate pushdown for MR silently at HiveInputFormat can cause storage handlers to produce erroneous result


Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
AMBARI-1186 N/A Service components in maintenance mode are stuck in 'INSTALLATION PENDING' state for scaled up hosts
HBASE-544 N/A Regression on split_2 on WASB
HIVE-1127 N/A Export table operation doesnt copy all the files from source table
PHOENIX-134 N/A Phoenix IOException while using ABFS
BUG-108849 ZEPPELIN-3539 Add jceks stored password support for LDAP - backport
BUG-108850 ZEPPELIN-3384 Reduce the number of calls that are made to `UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytab` in JDBC interpreter - BACKPORT
BUG-108854 HIVE-10427, HIVE-10788 collect_list() and collect_set() should accept struct types as argument + Change sort_array to support non-primitive types
BUG-108855 HIVE-12970, HIVE-19477, HIVE-20212 Hiveserver2 does not emit open_connections metric in http mode, HBase Stochastic LB and HFile cleaner fixes, HDFS DataNode must not delete blocks on too many open files exception
BUG-108856 HIVE-19666 Unable to create UDF with SQLStd auth enabled.
BUG-108861 PHOENIX-4712 When creating an index on a table, metadata cache of views related to the table isn't updated
BUG-110447 HIVE-16480 ORC file with empty array<double> and array<float> fails to read
BUG-116679 N/A Backport the fix of EAR-9687 to MSFT bi-weekly line (HDP- for Hive1
BUG-116726 N/A U9 Hive backports
BUG-116787 HIVE-14710, HIVE-18886 unify DB product type treatment in directsql and txnhandler + ACID: NPE on unexplained MySQL exceptions
BUG-117065 SQOOP-3136 Backport of SQOOP-3136 on HDI maint
BUG-117066 YARN-8567 Backport of YARN-8567 on on HDI maint (U9)
BUG-117067 HBASE-15941 Backport of HBASE-15941 on on HDI maint (U9)

Query Failure

Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
BUG-110904 HIVE-18873 Skipping predicate pushdown for MR silently at HiveInputFormat can cause storage handlers to produce erroneous result


Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
AMBARI-1185 N/A Ambari agent high CPU utilization due to string formatting for debug


Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
BUG-108857 HIVE-15090 Temporary DB failure can stop ExpiredTokenRemover thread
BUG-110904 HIVE-18873 Skipping predicate pushdown for MR silently at HiveInputFormat can cause storage handlers to produce erroneous result


Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
ZEP-90 N/A Kerberos (SPNEGO) support (aka ZEP-80)


Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
ZEP-80 N/A Kerberos (SPNEGO) support
BUG-110904 HIVE-18873 Skipping predicate pushdown for MR silently at HiveInputFormat can cause storage handlers to produce erroneous result


Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
BUG-108851 ZEPPELIN-3129 Backport ZEPPELIN-3129 for EAR-8262

HDP-M-30-U8 (7 December 2018)


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
HDFS-205 N/A HDFS UPN translation should work for the OID of the SPN
HDFS-206 N/A HDFS Workaround for the missing UPN translation of the OID the SPN
HDFS-212 N/A HDFS Convert groupname to short name
HIVE-1152 N/A Hive Ambari Views - Webhcat Pig job fails while loading hive-shims Jar
MAPREDUCE-109 N/A MapReduce MapReduce job hangs caused by inefficient flush logic
MAPREDUCE-112 N/A MapReduce ApplicaitonMaster fails to start with latest Deploy Tool on ABFS unsecure
RANGER-173 N/A Ranger Ranger policy creation fails in secure ADLS and WASB
SPARK-299 HADOOP-15679 Spark Spark 2.3 Spark Thrift Server application not marked as completed after shutdown. Spark Thrift Server application on Spark 2.3 when shutdown, does not go to completed state in spark2-events

HDP-M-30-U7 (12 October 2018)

Azure Blob Filesystem driver (ABFS) community changes applied to this release:

Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-108876 HADOOP-15450 Hadoop Avoid fsync storm triggered by DiskChecker and handle disk full situation - Backport
BUG-108877 HADOOP-15486 Hadoop Active NameNode always hangs when you restart the DataNode
BUG-111568 HADOOP-15677 Hadoop WASB: Add support for StreamCapabilities
N/A HADOOP-15680 Hadoop ITestNativeAzureFileSystemConcurrencyLive times out
N/A HADOOP-15792 Hadoop Typo in AzureBlobFileSystem.getIsNamespaceEnabeld
N/A HADOOP-15793 Hadoop ABFS: Skip unsupported test cases when non namespace enabled in ITestAzureBlobFileSystemAuthorization
N/A HADOOP-15795 Hadoop Make HTTPS the default protocol for ABFS
N/A HADOOP-15801 Hadoop ABFS: Fixing skipUserGroupMetadata in AzureBlobFileSystemStore
N/A HADOOP-15723 Hadoop ABFS: Ranger Support
N/A HADOOP-15739 Hadoop ABFS: Remove unused maven dependencies and add used undeclared dependencies
N/A HADOOP-12625 Hadoop Add a config to disable the /logs endpoints
N/A HADOOP-12710 Hadoop Remove dependency on commons-httpclient for TestHttpServerLogs
N/A HADOOP-14754 Hadoop TestCommonConfigurationFields failed: core-default.xml has 2 WASB properties missing in classes
N/A HADOOP-15450 Hadoop Avoid fsync storm triggered by DiskChecker and handle disk full situation
N/A HADOOP-15486 Hadoop Make NetworkTopology#netLock fair
N/A HADOOP-15677 Hadoop WASB: Add support for StreamCapabilities
N/A HADOOP-15694 Hadoop ABFS: Allow OAuth credentials to not be tied to accounts
N/A HADOOP-15704 Hadoop Mark ABFS extension package and interfaces as LimitedPrivate/Unstable
N/A HADOOP-15714 Hadoop Tune ABFS/WASB parallel the sequential test execution
N/A HADOOP-15715 Hadoop ITestAzureBlobFileSystemE2E timing out with non-scale timeout of 10 min
N/A HADOOP-15719 Hadoop Fail-fast when using OAuth over HTTP
N/A HADOOP-15740 Hadoop ABFS: Check variable names during initialization of AbfsClientThrottlingIntercept
N/A HADOOP-15745 Hadoop Add ABFS configuration to ConfigRedactor
N/A HADOOP-15753 Hadoop ABFS: support path "abfs://mycluster/file/path"
N/A HADOOP-15769 Hadoop ABFS: distcp tests are always skipped
N/A HADOOP-15773 Hadoop ABFS: Fix issues raised by Yetus
N/A HADOOP-15778 Hadoop ABFS: Fix client side throttling for read


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
SPARK-321 N/A Spark Ranger security issue on WASB secure


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
SPARK-321 N/A Spark Spark Thrift Serverq shows Ambari alerts
WASB-137 N/A Hadoop Enable use of HDP nameservice filesystem paths in WASB2 (abfs and abfss protocols)
BUG-108875 HADOOP-12625, HADOOP-12710 HDFS Disabling Logs via NameNode UI

HDP-M-30-U6 (26 September 2018)

Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-108852 HIVE-12063, HIVE-12772 Hive Trailing zeros truncated for Decimal data type
BUG-109289 SPARK-25051 Spark Correctness issue with outer joins for Spark 2.3


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-108612 N/A HDFS Make WASB listStatus messages consistent


Hadoop Common The WASB implementation of Filesystem.listStatus is very slow due to O(n!) algorithm to remove duplicates and uses too much memory due to the extra conversion from BlobListItem to FileMetadata to FileStatus.
BUG-109371 HADOOP-14553 Hadoop Common Backport HADOOP-14553: Add (parallelized) integration tests to Hadoop-Azure
HDFS-197 N/A HDFS Bug in hadoop-httpfs systemd service scripts
SPARK-319 N/A Spark Secure spark cluster creation failure with wasb
ZEP-84 N/A Zeppelin Zeppelin fails to start on ADLS Secure
ZEP-79 N/A Zeppelin Livy2 interpreter in Zeppelin stops working after some time in secure spark cluster
WASB-127 N/A N/A Port HADOOP-15407 branch changes to 2.6-wasb2 branch


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
WASB-132 N/A N/A WASB: improve listStatus performance (Port HADOOP-15547)

Query Failure

Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-108853 HIVE-19259 Hive 2.6-maint backport Table Not Found Error Querying View With Union All
BUG-108860 N/A Phoenix Unable to drop Phoenix table cloned from an exported snapshot
BUG-108862 PHOENIX-4669 Phoenix NoSuchColumnFamilyException when creating index on views that are built on tables which have named column family


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-108868 OOZIE-2427 Oozie HDI - [Kerberos] Authentication failure for the javascript resources under /ext-2.2
HIVE-1096 N/A Hive Security vulnerabilities with Hive view (XSS)


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-108869 OOZIE-2488 Oozie HDI - Issue with Oozie Purge Operation
BUG-109880 HADOOP-15679 Hadoop Backport HADOOP-15679: ShutdownHookManager shutdown time to be configurable
ZEP-65 N/A Zeppelin Zeppelin modifies the authentication cache on logout, which breaks behavior for hdinsight

HIVE-18264, HIVE-20337, HIVE-20430, HIVE-20446

Hive MetaStore Caching at bootup on LLAP cluster leads to basic queries to hang.


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-108867 OOZIE-3085, OOZIE-3183 Oozie HDI - Oozie Log Improvements


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-108865 OOZIE-1393 Oozie HDI - OOZIE-1393: Allow sending emails via TLS
BUG-108866 OOZIE-3156 Oozie HDI - Retry SSH action check when cannot connect to remote host

HDP-M-30-U5 (17 August 2018)

Incorrect Results

Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-107510 N/A Phoenix Incorrect Phoenix statistics cause record duplicates
BUG-108769 PHOENIX-4243, PHOENIX-4265 Phoenix The Row timestamp functionality in Phoenix isn't working
BUG-108774 N/A Hive Incorrect evaluation of OR condition


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-107340 YARN-7818 YARN Remove privileged operation warnings during container launch for the ContainerRuntimes
BUG-107730 MAPREDUCE-6741 YARN Need patch to mask the fields that represent passwords for cloud storage.
BUG-108317 SPARK-24948 YARN Spark History Server filters some applications on ADL
BUG-108787 LIVY-457 Livy DataFrameWriter write() versus write
BUG-108790 YARN-7962 YARN Race Condition When Stopping DelegationTokenRenewer
BUG-108928 SPARK‌-24188 Spark REST API /api/v1/version returns error 404
Spark-300 N/A Spark Spark history server UI doesnt show all applications in secure spark 2.2


Spark Spark history server REST API /api/v1/version returns error 404


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-108331 HIVE-19504 Hive Backport HIVE-19504: Change default value for hive.auto.convert.join.shuffle.max.size property
BUG-108776 HIVE-15731 Hive Backport request for HIVE-15731 on top of HDP-
BUG-108784 RANGER-2010 Ranger HDI - Backport RANGER-2010: Ranger Tagsync should use cookie based authentication for subsequent requests to Ranger admin
BUG-108785 RANGER-2104 Ranger HDI - Backport RANGER-2104: Ranger tagsync should ignore ENTITY_UPDATE events if the updated entity does not have associated traits

Query Failure

Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-108770 PHOENIX-4645 Phoenix Unable to query a Hive Table using a timestamp column as filter
BUG-108777 HIVE-19433 Hive Backport 2.6-maint HiveJoinPushTransitivePredicatesRule hangs


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-108773 HIVE-12408, HIVE-18012 Hive SQLStdAuthorizer should not require external table creator to be owner of directory, in addition to rw permissions
BUG-108782 RANGER-2158, RANGER-2162, RANGER-2165, RANGER-2168, RANGER-2173 Ranger Backport - Policy Creates take longer time with Delegated Admin User


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-108768 PHOENIX-4809 Phoenix PhoenixConnection objects cached without cleanup
BUG-108772 HIVE-19860 Hive HiveServer2 ObjectInspectorFactory memory leak with cachedUnionStructObjectInspector


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-108786 ZOOKEEPER-2662, ZOOKEEPER-3019 ZooKeeper HDI - Backport - Port JMX metrics for ZooKeeper I/O
BUG-108788 YARN-4579 YARN Allow DefaultContainerExecutor container log directory permissions to be configurable

HDI-2018-07 (6 August 2018)

Incorrect Results

Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-107506 N/A Hive Incorrect evaluation of OR condition


Spark SparkR : substr : In SparkR dataframe , starting and ending position arguments in "substr" is giving the wrong result when the position is greater than 1


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary



HBase HBase RPC throttling does not work for multi() using count based rater, when it calls limiter's checkQuota(), numWrites/numReads is lost


Oozie Issue with Oozie purge operation


Spark Avoid calling UGI loginUserFromKeytab in ThriftServer


Tez, Hive Remove ShuffleClientMetrics


YARN Race Condition When Stopping DelegationTokenRenewer causes RM crash during failover
Spark-301 N/A Spark Spark thrift and history server failure on WASB 2
Spark-294 N/A Spark

Spark history server user interface is not functional in the HDInsight clusters. It returns a HTTP 401 while accessing the user interface


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary


Spark Add HIVE-10815 changes in Spark 2


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary




Backport HBASE-20588 and HBASE-20633

  • HBASE-20588: Space quota change after quota violation doesn't seem to take in effect

  • HBASE-20633: Dropping a table containing a disable violation policy fails to remove the quota upon table delete

HDI-2018-06 (24 July 2018)

Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
SPARK-296 N/A Spark Workaround Ranger policy is not available due to concurrent start
WASB-85 N/A YARN Removing htrace-core4 and threadly
WASB-21 N/A HDFS azure.storage prevents virtual machine exit