Hortonworks Data Platform for HDInsight
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Technical Preview Features

The following features are available within HDP 2.6.5 but are not ready for production deployment. Hortonworks encourages you to explore these technical preview features in non-production environments and provide feedback on your experiences through the Hortonworks Community Forums.

Table 1. Technical Previews
Component Feature
Cloud support

New in this release:

  • Configure access to and access data in Google Cloud Storage.

HBase and Phoenix

Introduced in a previous release:

  • HBase storage quota on HDFS

  • HBase backup/restore supports bulk loaded data

  • Phoenix repair tool - A repair tool for corrupted system tables (PHOENIX-3165)

  • Backup and restore

  • Phoenix operability with Microsoft .NET Driver

  • Phoenix Storage Handler for Hive integration

  • Cell-level ACLs

  • Column Family Encryption

  • Phoenix-Spark Integration

  • RPC Throttling

  • Support for init.d scripts


Introduced in a previous release:

  • G1 GC support for HDFS


Introduced in a previous release:

  • Stored Procedures Client-Side

  • LLAP / Spark security interface

  • Phoenix Storage Handler for Hive integration


Introduced in a previous release:

  • Support for S3 authorization in Ranger Hive Plugin


Introduced in a previous release:

  • Support for Docker-based application packaging (SLIDER-780)


New in this release:
  • ORC feature & performance improvements towards Parquet Parity

Introduced in a previous release:

  • Spark SQL Ranger integration for row and column security, for Spark 2.1

  • DataSet API

  • GraphX


Introduced in a previous release:

  • Storm SQL: run SQL queries over streaming data in Storm

  • Automatic back pressure

  • Pacemaker daemon

  • Resource-aware scheduling


Introduced in a previous release:

  • Add support for network I/O isolation/scheduling for containers (YARN-2140)

  • NodeManager: add cgroup support for disk I/O isolation (YARN-2619)