Hortonworks Data Platform for HDInsight
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This release provides Kafka 1.1.0 and no additional Apache patches.

HDP 2.6.5 provides Kafka 1.0.0 and the following Apache patches.

  • KAFKA-4827: Kafka connect: error with special characters in connector name.

  • KAFKA-6118: Transient failure in kafka.api.SaslScramSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest.testTwoConsumersWithDifferentSaslCredentials.

  • KAFKA-6156: JmxReporter can't handle windows style directory paths.

  • KAFKA-6164: ClientQuotaManager threads prevent shutdown when encountering an error loading logs.

  • KAFKA-6167: Timestamp on streams directory contains a colon, which is an illegal character.

  • KAFKA-6179: RecordQueue.clear() does not clear MinTimestampTracker's maintained list.

  • KAFKA-6185: Selector memory leak with high likelihood of OOM in case of down conversion.

  • KAFKA-6190: GlobalKTable never finishes restoring when consuming transactional messages.

  • KAFKA-6210: IllegalArgumentException if 1.0.0 is used for inter.broker.protocol.version or log.message.format.version.

  • KAFKA-6214: Using standby replicas with an in memory state store causes Streams to crash.

  • KAFKA-6215: KafkaStreamsTest fails in trunk.

  • KAFKA-6238: Issues with protocol version when applying a rolling upgrade to 1.0.0.

  • KAFKA-6260: AbstractCoordinator not clearly handles NULL Exception.

  • KAFKA-6261: Request logging throws exception if acks=0.

  • KAFKA-6274: Improve KTable Source state store auto-generated names.

HDP 2.6.4 provided Kafka 0.10.1 with no additional Apache patches.

HDP 2.6.3 provided Kafka 0.10.1 and the following Apache patches:

  • KAFKA-4360: Controller may deadLock when autoLeaderRebalance encounter zk expired.

HDP 2.6.2 provided Kafka 0.10.1 with no additional Apache patches.

HDP 2.6.1 provided Kafka 0.10.1 with no additional Apache patches.

HDP 2.6.0 provided Kafka 0.10.1 with no additional Apache patches.