Known issues in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.9

You must be aware of the known issues and limitations, the areas of impact, and workaround in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.9.

QAINFRA-18183: CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.9 does not support KTS on RHEL 9.
OPSAPS-69539: CDP Runtime 7.1.9 from the base release through to CHF3 does not support Oracle JDK 8u401 or OpenJDK 1.8.0_402 (8u402). Some services will fail to start. This can be a problem on RHEL 9.x as version 8u402 is the default OpenJDK 8 installed by the OS.
Workaround is to install an earlier version of JDK 8. For example Oracle jdk-8u291 / 1.8.0_291, or OpenJDK 8u292 / 1.8.0_292.