Repurposing Cloudera Private Cloud Base Nodes for Cloudera Private Cloud Data Services on Cloudera Embedded Container Service
Separating compute and storage using Cloudera Private Cloud Data Services provides cloud-native capabilities to help optimize compute resources.
Workloads that are candidates for migration from Cloudera Private Cloud Base to Cloudera Private Cloud Data Services include CDSW, Hive, Spark on YARN, and Impala. You can identify underutilized nodes in Cloudera Private Cloud Base, repurpose them as Cloudera Private Cloud Data Services nodes, and then migrate existing workloads from Cloudera Private Cloud Base to Cloudera Private Cloud Data Services.
Review the following hardware requirements before repurposing the Cloudera Private Cloud Base nodes for Cloudera Private Cloud Data Services.
Check the Cloudera Private Cloud Data Services Hardware Requirements and confirm that the nodes you intend to repurpose meet the requirements. This may include new requirements that necessitate added storage such as fast cache devices, increased RAM, or upgraded network cards.
Ensure that your existing Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster complies with Private Cloud Data Services system requirements. If not, you may need to upgrade your Private Cloud Base cluster to a supported version.
Ensure that your existing Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster will still function properly without the repurposed nodes. Remember that removing nodes reduces overall storage and compute capacity in the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster.
Target existing worker nodes – avoid repurposing “master” nodes (i.e., the NameNode).
Avoid using edge nodes, or gateways.
Calculate how much storage is being removed (the combined footprint of the JBOD drives on nodes). The revised utilized capacity for HDFS, Ozone, and Kudu should generally not exceed 75% after the nodes are removed.
Review the Private Cloud Base cluster utilization reports and ensure that the remaining compute capacity can support the remaining PvC Base workloads:
HBase, Solr, MapReduce, and NiFi workloads will remain on Cloudera Private Cloud Base. Ensure that your remaining compute capacity can support these workloads.
Ranger, Atlas, Ozone, HMS, Zookeeper, and HDFS will also remain on Cloudera Private Cloud Base. Ensure that your remaining compute capacity can support these workloads.
Repurposing the nodes
If the high availability (HA) configuration is not changing on the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster, you can run the following steps to repurpose nodes without any downtime.
- Remove the host from
the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster. Using
the Cloudera Manager Hosts Decommission feature
ensures that workloads are shut down gracefully on each node, and no new
work is accepted.
When the target includes a HDFS Datanode role, HDFS blocks will be evicted from that host and copied to available space in the cluster. This can take some time, depending on how much data is stored and how your environment is set up.
After removing a host from the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster, it is highly recommended that you treat this node according to your normal procedures for redeployed hardware. This may involve wiping drives and reimaging the operating system (OS).
- Treat the old node as a new server, commissioning it by adding it to an existing Cloudera Private Cloud Data Services Cluster or including it in a new Cloudera Private Cloud Data Services cluster. See Install Cloudera Private Cloud Data Services for more information.