Migrating Hive workloads from Cloudera Base on premises to Cloudera Data Warehouse on premises
To migrate the Hive workloads to Cloudera Data Warehouse Data Service, you must have upgraded from your legacy platform to Cloudera Base on premises. Learn how to set up your Virtual Warehouse instance and migrate your workloads to Hive LLAP (Low-Latency Analytical Processing) in Cloudera Data Warehouse.
The Cloudera Data Warehouse service provides data warehouses that can be configured and isolated. You scale resources up and down to meet your business demands, and save costs by suspending and resuming resources automatically.
Hive LLAP along with the query isolation feature is best suited for data-intensive queries, such as ETL queries, that require auto-scaling based on the total scan size of the query.
Migrating your Hive workloads to Cloudera Data Warehouse helps you leverage the auto-scaling, workload optimization, isolation, data caching, and many other powerful capabilities that Cloudera Data Warehouse offers.
- Migrating from HDP to Cloudera Data Warehouse
- If you are migrating from HDP and running workloads using LLAP or Hive on Tez, you must
first upgrade to Cloudera on premises either through an In-Place upgrade or Sidecar migration. You can then follow the Migrating
from Cloudera Base on premises to Cloudera Data Warehouse document to migrate your Hive workloads to Cloudera Data Warehouse.
To understand how LLAP in HDP is different from LLAP in Cloudera Data Warehouse, see Migrate from HDP (LLAP) to Cloudera Data Warehouse (LLAP).
- Migrating from CDH to Cloudera Data Warehouse
- If you are migrating from CDH and running workloads using Hive on Map Reduce, you must first upgrade to Cloudera on premises either through an In-Place upgrade or Sidecar migration. You can then follow the Migrating from Cloudera on premises to Cloudera Data Warehouse document to migrate your Hive workloads to Cloudera Data Warehouse.
- Migrating from Cloudera Base on premises to Cloudera Data Warehouse
- If you are migrating from Cloudera on premises and running workloads in the Tez container mode (Hive on Tez), learn how you can migrate to Cloudera Data Warehouse on premises and run Hive workloads on LLAP mode. For more information, see Migrate from Cloudera on premises (Hive on Tez) to Cloudera Data Warehouse (LLAP).
After you have upgraded to Cloudera on premises, you can install Cloudera Data Services on premises and migrate your workloads to Cloudera Data Warehouse. Use the guidance provided in this document to plan your Virtual Warehouse instances based on the workloads that you are running. For more information, see Planning a Virtual Warehouse instance.
You must also understand how Hive queries are processed in Cloudera Data Warehouse using the LLAP execution mode and be aware of the differences between LLAP in Cloudera Data Warehouse and Hive on Tez in Cloudera. For more information, see Apache Tez processing of Hive jobs.