Changes to Ambari services and views

Review the list of additional components that are added to your cluster, along with the deprecated services and views that are removed during the process of upgrading to Ambari 7.1.x and HDP intermediate bits.

These services are removed automatically as part of the upgrade process. You can also remove these services manually prior to the upgrade by following the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Ambari UI.
  2. Click the service you wish to remove.
  3. Stop the service.
  4. Delete the service.

Ambari 2.7.5.x to Ambari 7.1.x.x.

The Ambari 2.7.5.x to Ambari 7.1.x.x upgrade removes the following views:

  • Accumulo

  • Storm

  • Superset

  • Pig

The HDP 2.6.5.x to HDP intermediate bits upgrade removes the following services:

  • Accumulo

  • Storm

  • Superset

  • Pig

  • SmartSense