For example, to create a new source database for policies named 1, 2, and 3,
configure the source database properties file as follows:
‘repl.source.for' = '1, 2, 3'
For example, to configure an existing source database named testdb, run the
following command:
DBPROPERTIES('repl.source.for'=[****policy1 name, policy2 name,
policy3 name***]');
On the HDP cluster, configure the mandatory HDP cluster configuration
properties listed in the next topic.
Run the REPL DUMP command along the mandatory policy-level configuration
parameters using a cron script.
Use the following command syntax:
[***cron syntax for regular intervals***] beeline -u jdbc:hive2://[***source database***] hive
-e"repl dump [***source database***] with [***mandatory policy-level configuration
parameters separated by comma***]
the Cron Expression Generator & Explainer website.
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