Migrating Hive Workloads to Cloudera Private CloudPDF version

Mandatory HDP policy-level properties

You must set a number of policy-level properties in REPL DUMP command on the HDP cluster. Put the property after the WITH clause of the command.

Table 1.
Property Description Required Value

REPL DUMP format version.

- Use 2 for HDP-to-CDP Private Cloud Base replication.

- Use 1 for HDP to HDP replication.



Staging location path.

Enter the same path for REPL DUMP and REPL LOAD commands.

[***HDFS path***]

Note: Use the same parameter value in REPL DUMP and REPL LOAD commands.

hive.repl.include.external.tables Include external tables for replication. true
hive.repl.dump.metadata.only.for .external.table

Includes only external table metadata for replication.


hive.repl.replica.external.table.b ase.dir Fully qualified base directory on the target warehouse to store external tables. The directory path is prefixed to the source external table path on the target cluster.

[***HDFS path***]

Note: Use the same parameter value in REPL DUMP and REPL LOAD commands.

hive.repl.ha.datapath.replace.re mote.nameservice

Set to true when the following are true:

- HDFS is HA-enabled

- Both the source and target clusters are configured with the same nameservice name.

See Description before you configure this option.

hive.repl.ha.datapath.replace.re mote.nameservice.name

Provides a reference to the nameservice on the remote (target) cluster when HDFS is HA-enabled and both source and target clusters are configured with the same nameservice name.

[**remote nameservice name**]

Note: Use the same parameter value in REPL,DUMP and REPL LOAD commands.

Ensure the value of hive.repl.ha.datapath.replace.re mote.nameservice.name is different from the nameservice name on the local (source) cluster. For example, if the clusters use the nameservice name ns, then use a different property value. For example, ‘hive.repl.ha.datapath.replace.remote.nameserv ice.name’ = ‘nsRemote’.