Backup HDP Cluster Cloudera recommends that you back up the HDP 3.1.5.x services managed by Ambari 2.7.5.x. Backup and Restore DatabasesThe steps for backing up and restoring databases differ depending on the database vendor and version that you select for your cluster. It is beyond the scope of this document. Backup Ranger You must stop the Ranger Admin and Ranger KMS Service and its dependent services.Backup Atlas You can back up Atlas data by backing-up HBase tables. Backup Ambari Infra SolrBack up all your ambari infra solr collections. Run the Solr APIs to backup the collections individually. You must create the backup directory on each Ambari Infra Solr node. However, the backup command takes the backup of shards only on the nodes where they reside.Backup Ambari-MetricsBackup HiveTo backup the Hive service, you must backup the Hive database and create a snapshot of the Hive warehouse. Backup HBaseThe rollback procedure rolls back HDFS and, the data in HBase is also rolled back automatically as part of this procedure. In addition, HBase metadata stored in ZooKeeper is recovered as part of the ZooKeeper rollback procedure.Backup KafkaBefore you begin the upgrade process, you need to explicitly set the Kafka protocol version to match what's being used currently among the brokers and clients. Update on all brokers as follows:Backup OozieTo backup the Oozie service, you must backup the Oozie database. Backup KnoxWith the backup and rollback of Ambari, Knox is also backed up and rolled back by default.Backup LogsearchWith the backup of Ambari-Infra, Logsearch is also backed up by default.Backup ZeppelinWith the backup and rollback of HDFS, Zeppelin is also backed up and rolled back by default.Backup HDFSYou can roll back an upgrade from CDP Private Cloud Base 7 to HDP 3. The rollback restores your HDP cluster to the state it was in before the upgrade. This means any change that happened after taking the backups as instructed from points 4 to 7 will be reverted from the HDFS cluster. You must perform additional steps before upgrading your HDP cluster if you have configured the NameNode HA. Backup ZooKeeperParent topic: Upgrading HDP to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.x