HDP3 to CDP Private Cloud Base Two Stage upgradePDF version

Ambari infra-migrate and restore

Follow the steps below to restore the data previously backed up:

  1. SSH to the host where the migrationConfigGenerator.py was run prior to the HDP Upgrade. This will be from one of your Ambari Infra Solr instances. Ensure you are in the current working directory containing the ambari_solr_migration.ini file.
  2. Export the variable used to hold the path to the ini file.
    export CONFIG_INI_LOCATION=ambari_solr_migration.ini 
  3. Migrate the data to ensure it’s in the right format to import into Solr 7. Note that this script can take a long time to run depending on the volume of data backed up. It is recommended to run this script using the nohup command.
    nohup /usr/lib/ambari-infra-solr-client/ambariSolrMigration.sh --ini-file \ $CONFIG_INI_LOCATION --mode migrate-restore
  4. Re-index the migrated data into your current collections so the backed up data is visible in all of the tools using the Infra Solr instances. Note that this script can take a long time to run depending on the volume of data backed up. It is recommended to run this script using the nohup command.
    nohup /usr/lib/ambari-infra-solr-client/ambariSolrMigration.sh --ini-file \ $CONFIG_INI_LOCATION --mode transport