Test transitioned Solr configuration on a Cloudera Runtime cluster
Copy the upgraded Solr configuration to a test or development CDP cluster to test it
for incompatibilities not detected by the upgrade script before you initiate the upgrade on
your production environment.
To test the migrated configuration on a Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1
or higher
cluster, you can either provision a new host in your upgraded Cloudera Manager 7
environment and add a Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1
or higher
cluster using that host, or you can upgrade a development or test cluster to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1
or higher. You can then use the Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1
or higher
cluster to test the migrated configuration to make sure that it works on Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1
or higher
before upgrading your production environment.
Create a TAR file of the configuration files in the
[***SOLR/METADATA/OUTPUT/DIRECTORY***] (in this example
cr7-migrated-solr-config) directory and copy them over to a
Solr host on the test CDP cluster.
tar -czvf cr7-migrated-solr-config.tar.gz \
On the Solr host in the test CDP cluster, extract the TAR file created in the
previous step.
tar -xzvf cr7-migrated-solr-config.tar.gz
Kinit as a
user in the test CDP cluster:
kinit solr@EXAMPLE.COM
Replace solr@EXAMPLE.COM with your Kerberos realm name.
Run the following commands to create a Solr collection:
Replace [***CONFIG***] with the name of the
configuration (NOT the name fo the collection) that you want to
Replace [***PATH/TO/MIGRATED/CONFIG***] with the path
to where you extracted
If Kerberos is enabled and configured ZooKeeper Access Controll Lists (ACLs),
specify your JAAS configuration file by adding the --jaas
parameter to the command. For example: