CDH 6 to CDP Private Cloud BasePDF version

Updating group permissions for Hive query editor

In CDH 5 and CDH 6, the beeswax.access permission governs access to the Hive editor in Hue. In CDP, access to the Hive editor is governed by the hive.access permission and the permission is added to the default group, by default. If you upgrade from CDH 5 or CDH 6 to CDP, and if you are not a part of the default group, then you may not be able to access the Hive editor. You must manually grant the hive.access permission to your user groups.

  1. Log in to Hue as an Administrator.
  2. Go to Admin > Manage Users > Permissions and click hive under Application.
  3. On the Edit hive page, select the groups to which you want to grant access to the Hive editor.
  4. Click Update permission to save the changes.