Managed, non-ACID table problem
- Convert ACID tables to external tables after the Cloudera upgrade.
- Use the Hive Warehouse Connector.
You need to be aware of two SparkSQL incompatibilities and how to work around these problems. The upgrade process converted all CDH Hive tables to external tables, however, if you moved managed, non-ACID tables preventing conversion to external tables, these are not compatible with native SparkSQL. Also, you might encounter a problem reading Hive 2 external ORC tables from Spark.
When creating a table under these circumstances, subdirectories are named /1 /2 /3. Subdirectories do not include the HIVE_UNION_SUBDIR_ prefix as Hive 3-created tables do. You cannot read these tables from Spark if the tables are in ORC format.
The following workaround configures Spark to overcome this problem.