Automated rollback
This section helps you to rollback automatically using the below procedure. Cloudera recommends you to use this procedure on the test clusters before performing the procedure on the production clusters.
Go to the am2cm-ansible folder:
- If you have used Docker to upgrade, create a bash session inside the container and go to the am2cm-ansible folder: docker container exec -it <container_id> /bin/bashcd am2cm-ansible/
- If you have used local installation to upgrade, activate the python virtual environment and go to the am2cm-ansible folder: source <path/to/am2cm-2.x.y.0-bb>/venv/bin/activate cd <path/to/am2cm-2.x.y.0-bb>/am2cm-ansible/
Execute the rollback playbooks: Running the rollback playbooks require you to
specify an inventory and extra-vars file. You can review the previous upgrade
steps to identify the files specific to your environment.