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Step 4: Upgrading the Cloudera Manager Agents

My Environment

Fill in the following form to create a customized set of instructions for your environment.

Fill out the form above before you proceed.

To share this environment with others, click the icon next to My Environment to copy a link specific for this environment to the clipboard.

7.13.1 7.11.3 7.7.3 7.7.1 7.6.7 7.6.1 7.4.4 7.3.1 7.1.9 7.1.8 7.1.7 7.1.6 7.3.1 7.1.9 7.1.8 7.1.7

Minimum Required Role: Cluster Administrator (also provided by Full Administrator)

  1. Ensure that the ptrace_scope operating system control is set to 0:  Show Me Why

    The Cloudera Manager Agent installation process uses a re-parenting mechanism to ensure that running Cloudera Services are not impacted by the Cloudera Manager Agent upgrade. This re-parenting mechanism utilizes the Linux kernel's ptrace capability. If the ptrace_scope system control is set to a non-zero value, then the installer will not be able to re-parent running Cloudera services. The Cloudera Manager Agent RPM will refuse to install if the ptrace_scope control has a non-zero value. For more information, see

    • Verify that the value of ptrace_scope is set to zero. Run the following command to check the value:
      cat /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
    • If the value is not set to 0, set the value to 0 by running the following command on all cluster hosts:
      echo 0 >> /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
      If you do not want to allow ptrace_scope to run, run the following command on all cluster hosts to force the Cloudera Manager Agent upgrade:
    • If necessary, you can set ptrace_scope to its original value after the agent upgrades are complete.
  2. After upgrading and starting the Cloudera Manager server, open the Cloudera Manager Admin Console (if you have not already done so) using the following URL:
    The Upgrade Cloudera Manager screen displays:

  3. Click Upgrade Cloudera Manager Agent packages

    The Upgrade Cloudera Manager Agent Packages page displays the Select Repository step.

  4. Select one of the following:
    • Select Public Cloudera Repository if the Cloudera Manager server host has access to the internet.
    • Select the Custom Repository If you are using a local package repository instead of the public repository at, option and enter the Custom Repository URL.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. The Select JDK screen displays the available options for the JDK used in the cluster. Choose one of the following options to install a JDK:
    • Manually Manage JDK – Select this option if you have already installed a supported JDK. For information on installing a JDK, see Upgrading the JDK.
    • Install a Cloudera-provided version of OpenJDKCloudera Manager installs OpenJDK 8 on all your cluster hosts, except for the Cloudera Manager server host(s).
    • Install a system-provided version of OpenJDKCloudera Manager installs the default version of OpenJDK provided by the host operating system.
  7. Click Continue.

    The Enter Login Credentials page displays.

  8. Specify the credentials and initiate Agent installation:
    1. Select root for the root account, or select Another user and enter the username for an account that has password-less sudo permission.
    2. Select an authentication method:
      • If you choose the All hosts accept same password option, enter and confirm the password.
      • If you choose the All hosts accept same private key option, provide a passphrase and path to the required key files.
    3. Modify the default SSH port if necessary.
    4. Specify the maximum Number of Simultaneous Installations to run at once. The default and recommended value is 10. Adjust this parameter based on your network capacity.
  9. Click Continue.

    The Cloudera Manager Agent packages and, if selected, the JDK are installed.

  10. When the installations are complete, click Finish.

    The Upgrade Cloudera Manager page displays the status of the upgrade. If you see a message listing Cloudera Manager Agents not upgraded, wait a few minutes for the agents to heartbeat and the click the Refresh button.

    If some hosts do not report a heartbeat, you must upgrade the Cloudera Manager Agents manually. Do the following on these hosts:  Show Me How
    1. Ensure that the hosts have access to the package repositories. See Configure a Repository for Cloudera Manager.
    2. Run the following commands on all affected hosts to remove the cloudera-manager-agent, cloudera-manager-daemons, and cloudera-manager-server packages and install the agent and daemons. (Omit cloudera-manager-server on the Cloudera Manager server host):
      Operating System Command
      sudo yum remove cloudera-manager-daemons cloudera-manager-agent cloudera-manager-server
      sudo yum clean all
      sudo yum install cloudera-manager-agent cloudera-manager-daemons
      sudo zypper remove cloudera-manager-daemons cloudera-manager-agent cloudera-manager-server
      sudo zypper refresh -s
      sudo zypper install cloudera-manager-agent cloudera-manager-daemons
      Ubuntu or Debian
      sudo apt-get purge cloudera-manager-daemons cloudera-manager-agent cloudera-manager-server
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install cloudera-manager-agent cloudera-manager-daemons
    3. Copy the agent's config.ini file from the backup taken before upgrading to /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini. (See Back Up Cloudera Manager Agent)
    4. Restart the agents:
      sudo systemctl stop cloudera-scm-supervisord.service
      sudo systemctl start cloudera-scm-agent
  11. After the Agents are all upgraded, Click Run Host Inspector to run the host inspector. Inspect the output and correct any warnings. If problems occur, you can make changes and then rerun the inspector.
  12. When you are satisfied with the inspection results, click Start the Cloudera Management Service.
  13. Confirm that you want to start the Cloudera Management Service by clicking Continue.
  14. After the Cloudera Management Service has started, click Finish.

    You will see a message indicating that the Cloudera Management Service has started.

    The upgrade is now complete.

  15. Click the Home Page link to return to the Home page. Review and fix any critical configuration issues. You may need to restart any clusters if they indicate stale configurations.

    To return to the Upgrade Cloudera Manager page, go to Hosts > All Hosts > Review Upgrade Status.

  16. If you stopped any clusters before upgrading Cloudera Manager, start them now. (For each cluster, go to Cluster Name > Actions > Start.)
  17. If you set ptrace_scope to 0 and want to use the original or a different value, you can reset it by running the following command on all hosts:
    echo [new_value] >> /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
  18. If you have the Cloudera Embedded Container Service (ECS) deployed in any clusters, do the following
    1. Restart the ECS Cluster. Go to the ECS cluster, click the actions menu and select Restart.
    2. Unseal the Vault. Go to the ECS service and click Actions > Unseal.