HDP2 to CDP Private Cloud Base Two Stage upgradePDF version

Additional configuration tasks

You can increase or decrease the time for which the audit and event logs are retained in the system, after which they are auto-purged. You can also make DAS work with HiveServer2 in case your Hive deployment is not LLAP-enabled and does not have Hive Server Interactive.

If your Hive deployment is not LLAP-enabled and does not have Hive Server Interactive, you need to update the configuration for DAS to work with HiveServer2 as follows:

Go to Ambari > Data Analytics Studio > Configs and change use.hive.interactive.mode=true to use.hive.interactive.mode=false

Audit and event logs are written by Hive/Tez to HDFS for DAS to consume to generate DAG information. Once DAS consumes them, this information on HDFS is no longer required. They are cleaned automatically via a thread in HMS (Hive metastore).

The time to live count of the audit logs is defined in the hive.hook.proto.events.ttl parameter. By default, the logs are retained for seven days. To configure a custom value:

  1. From the Ambari UI, go to Hive > HiveMetaStore > Configs and specify the time to live in the hive.hook.proto.events.ttl parameter.

    For example, to retain the logs for 30 days, specify 30d.

    Typically, a 30-day duration is useful if you want to download older DAG data.

  2. Restart the Hive service.