HDP2 to CDP Private Cloud Base Two Stage upgradePDF version

Preparing Zeppelin for upgrade

Before upgrading HDP to CDP, you must copy the Zeppelin notebooks and configuration files from HDFS to the Zeppelin server host filesystem.

  1. On the Zeppelin server host, create the /var/lib/zeppelin/conf and /var/lib/zeppelin/notebook directories:
    sudo -u zeppelin mkdir -p /var/lib/zeppelin/conf /var/lib/zeppelin/notebook
  2. If you are using Kerberos, authenticate as the zeppelin user first. Otherwise, run the commands as the zeppelin user by prefixing the commands with sudo -u zeppelin:
    kinit zeppelin
  3. Copy all notebooks from HDFS to the /var/lib/zeppelin/notebook directory. If you are using Kerberos, authenticate as the zeppelin user first:
    kinit zeppelin
    hdfs dfs -get "/user/zeppelin/notebook/*" /var/lib/zeppelin/notebook 
  4. Copy the notebook-authorization.json files from HDFS to the /var/lib/zeppelin/conf directory:
    hdfs dfs -get /user/zeppelin/conf/notebook-authorization.json /var/lib/zeppelin/conf
Continue with the upgrade.