Turn off YARN GPU

If YARN GPU is enabled on your HDP cluster, then you must turn off the YARN GPU feature on the HDP cluster and enable it on the CDP cluster.

  1. Log in to the HDP cluster
  2. On the left navigation pane, click YARN
  3. Click Configurations
  4. Click Advanced
  5. In the search box, search for yarn.resource-types
  6. If the input field contains yarn.io/gpu, you must remove it from the string value
  7. Click Save
  8. Click Proceed anyway
  9. In the search box, search for yarn.nodemanager.resource-plugins
  10. If the input field contains yarn.io/gpu, you must remove it from the string value
  11. Click Save
  12. Click Proceed anyway
  13. In the search box, search for container-executor configuration template
  14. If the container-executor.cfg file template contains the gpu section, you must remove it completely. For example,
    {{ '[gpu]' }}
  15. Click Save
  16. Click Proceed anyway
  17. Restart the YARN service