Reuse Existing Database

How to migrate Streams Messaging Manager alert policies from HDF to CDP Private Cloud Base by reusing existing storage.

Make sure that the existing database is compatible with and supported by CDP Private Cloud Base. For more information, see Database Requirements in the CDP Release Guide.

  1. Stop the HDF Streams Messaging Manager (SMM).
  2. Configure CDP SMM to connect to the database previously owned by HDF SMM:
    1. In Cloudera Manager select the SMM service.
    2. Go to Configuration.
    3. Find and configure the following database related properties:
      • Streams Messaging Manager Database Type
      • Streams Messaging Manager Database Name
      • Streams Messaging Manager Database Host
      • Streams Messaging Manager Database Port
      • Streams Messaging Manager Database User
      • Streams Messaging Manager Database User Password
    4. Click Save Changes.
    5. Start the service.

SMM alert policies are migrated.

Migrate Kafka using Streams Replication Manager.