HDP3 to CDP Private Cloud Base Two Stage upgradePDF version

Procedure to Rollback from CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.7 SP1 to CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.7

You can rollback from the CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.7 SP1 to CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.7. To rollback to CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.7:

  1. Log in to the Admin Console.
  2. Click Parcels from the left menu.
  3. Click Parcel Repositories & Network Settings.
  4. In the Remote Parcel Repository URLs section, click the "+" icon and add the 7.1.7 URL for your Parcel repository.
  5. Click Save & Verify Configuration. A message with the status of the verification appears above the Remote Parcel Repository URLs section. If the URL is not valid, check the URL and enter the correct URL.
  6. After the URL is verified, click Close.
  7. Locate the row in the table that contains the new parcel and click the Download button.
  8. After the download of the new parcel is complete, click the Distribute button.
    Wait for the parcel to be distributed and unpacked before continuing. displays the status of the parcel distribution. Click on the status display to view detailed status for each host.
  9. Click Activate. parcels are activated on the cluster.
  10. When the parcel is activated, click the logo to return to the home page.
    The cluster is now rolled back to the CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.7 version.
  11. When the parcel is activated, click the Actions menu next to the cluster name and select Post Cloudera Runtime Upgrade.
  12. Restart the cluster: Click the Actions menu and select Restart.