CDH 6 to CDP Private Cloud BasePDF version

Configure TLS/SSL for Ranger in a manually configured TLS/SSL environment

How to manually configure TSL/SSL for Ranger in a manually configured TLS/SSL environment.

If you use manual TLS encryption on CDH and you plan to enable TLS for Ranger during the CDP upgrade, you must ensure that the Ranger Admin certificate is imported into the truststore file configuration of all services that support Ranger plugins.

  1. Create a keystore file for Ranger Admin.
    mkdir -p /etc/security/serverKeys
    ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/keytool -genkeypair -alias {ALIAS} 
    -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 360 
    -keystore /etc/security/serverKeys/ranger-admin-keystore.jks 
    -storepass {STOREPASS}
    A unique alias specified for creating the keystore file. This can be Ranger Admin host FQDN/UQDN where it is going to be installed or can use custom text.
    A password which is used to protect the keystore.
    chown -R ranger:ranger /etc/security/serverKeys/ranger-admin-keystore.jks
  2. Export the certificate from the Ranger Admin keystore and create a certificate file.
    ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/keytool -exportcert -keystore 
    /etc/security/serverKeys/ranger-admin-keystore.jks -alias {ALIAS} -file 
    Use the same alias used for creating the keystore file ranger-admin-keystore.jks, as we are exporting the certificate associated with that alias.
  3. Import Ranger Admin certificate into a truststore file for creating a "trusted certificate".
    ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/keytool -importcert -file /etc/security/serverKeys/ranger-admin-trust.cer 
    -alias {ALIAS} -keystore /etc/security/serverKeys/ranger-truststore.jks -storepass
    Assign any alias name.
    A password to secure the truststore file.
  4. On Review Changes, set the TLS/SSL configurations:
    Configuration Property Description
    Enable TLS/SSL for Ranger Admin (ranger.service.https.attrib.ssl.enabled) Select this check box
    Ranger Admin TLS/SSL Server JKS Keystore File Location (ranger.https.attrib.keystore.file)

    The path to the keystore file created in Step 1 : Creating a keystore file for Ranger Admin


    The path to the existing keystore file if

    using existing CA-signed certificates

    Ranger Admin TLS/SSL Server JKS Keystore File Password (ranger.service.https.attrib.keystore.pass) The password of the keystore file used for Ranger Admin

    Ranger Admin TLS/SSL Keystore File Alias (ranger.service.https.attrib.keystore.keyalias)

    This config will be shown from CM-7.3.1 for CDP-7.1.5+ onwards in the initial wizard setup. If using CM <=7.3.1 & upgrading to CDP < 7.1.5, continue the use of alias name to FQDN of the host while creating Ranger Admin keystore or using the existing keystore.

    Enter the alias used for the keystore file created in Step 1 : Creating a keystore file for Ranger Admin.

    The {{RANGER_ADMIN_HOST}} is a placeholder value which will be replaced with the host FQDN where Ranger Admin will be installed in the current cluster when Auto-TLS is enabled which uses host FQDN as alias while creating keystore file. The placeholder can be replaced to have custom alias value in case of manual TLS/SSL setup. If using a custom alias value which is the same as the host short name then use {{RANGER_ADMIN_HOST_UQDN}} placeholder as a value.

    Ranger Admin TLS/SSL Trust Store File (ranger.truststore.file)

    The path to the truststore file created in Step 3 : Import Ranger Admin certificate into a truststore file for creating a "trusted certificate" entry


    The path to the existing truststore file if

    using existing CA-signed certificates

    Ranger Admin TLS/SSL Trust Store Password (ranger.truststore.password) The password used for creating the trust store file
    Ranger Tagsync TLS/SSL Trust Store File (xasecure.policymgr.clientssl.truststore)

    The path to the truststore file created in Step 3 : Import Ranger Admin certificate into a truststore file for creating a "trusted certificate" entry


    The path to the existing truststore file if

    using existing CA-signed certificates

    Ranger Tagsync TLS/SSL Trust Store Password (xasecure.policymgr.clientssl.truststore.password) The password used for creating the trust store file
    Ranger Usersync TLS/SSL Trust Store File (ranger.usersync.truststore.file)

    The path to the truststore file created in Step 3 : Import Ranger Admin certificate into a truststore file for creating a "trusted certificate" entry


    The path to the existing truststore file if

    using existing CA-signed certificates

    Ranger Usersync TLS/SSL Trust Store Password (ranger.usersync.truststore.password) The password used for creating the trust store file
  5. Import the Ranger Admin certificate into the truststore file configs for the following services, if present in the cluster. Ranger plugin is being enabled for these services during upgrade.
    1. Search for the following configuration properties:
      HDFS NameNode TLS/SSL Trust Store File (namenode_truststore_file)
      HDFS NameNode TLS/SSL Trust Store Password (namenode_truststore_password)
      Hive (shown under Hive Configuration in CM-7.3.1+)
      Hive Metastore TLS/SSL Trust Store File (hive.metastore.dbaccess.ssl.truststore.path)
      Hive Metastore TLS/SSL Trust Store Password (hive.metastore.dbaccess.ssl.truststore.password)
      Kafka Broker TLS/SSL Trust Store File (ssl.truststore.location)
      Kafka Broker TLS/SSL Trust Store Password (ssl.truststore.password.generator)
      impala TLS/SSL Trust Store File (impala_truststore_file)
      impala TLS/SSL Trust Store Password (impala_truststore_password)
      Atlas Server TLS/SSL Trust Store File (truststore.file)
      Atlas Server TLS/SSL Trust Store Password (truststore.password)
    2. If a service has an existing truststore file, use that to import the Ranger Admin certificate. If not, then add a new truststore file and update the above configs.
    3. Import the Ranger Admin certificate into the existing/new truststore file.
      ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/keytool -importcert -file 
      /etc/security/serverKeys/ranger-admin-trust.cer -alias {ALIAS} -keystore 
      {TRUSTSTORE} -storepass {STOREPASS}
      Assign any alias name.
      A password to secure the truststore file.
      EITHER an existing truststore file used by the service to import the Ranger Admin certificate OR a new truststore file which will have Ranger Admin certificate.
    4. If using existing CA-signed certificates then add the path of the existing truststore file.
    5. Proceed to upgrade wizard for further other tasks.
  6. Migrate Key Trustee KMS to Ranger KMS KTS.
    1. If you have Key Trustee service present in the cluster, Ranger KMS KTS will be added from the backend as part of the upgrade flow.
    2. To successfull start Ranger KMS KTS service in the upgrade flow:
    1. Change the alias of the keystore file used by Key Trustee KMS to point to the hostname where it is installed. Check Key Management Server Proxy TLS/SSL Server JKS Keystore File Location config to get the keystore file.
      ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/keytool -changealias -alias {EXISTING_ALIAS} -destalias 
      `hostname -f` -keystore {KT_KMS_KEYSTORE}
    2. Import Ranger Admin certificate into truststore file used by KT KMS. Check Key Management Server Proxy TLS/SSL Trust Store File config to get the truststore file getting used.