Migrating Hive Workloads to Cloudera Private CloudPDF version

Repl Command Known Issues

You need to know the about REPL command issues that you might encounter when replicating Hive data from HDP to CDP Private Cloud Base in CDP 7.1.6 and earlier.

  • HIVE-24896

    Incremental replication fails when a managed table is dropped and an external table is created with the same name.

  • HIVE-24933

    Incremental replication fails when an external table is dropped and a managed table is created with the same name.

  • HIVE-24818

    Replication fails when there are partitioned views.

  • HIVE-24676

    Show locks call failing for PostgresSQL database if the txnId filter is passed.

  • HIVE-24698

    The ACLs are not synchronized for external tables automatically.

  • HIVE-24878

    Function replication is not initiated if the hive.repl.run.data.copy.tasks.on.target policy-level configuration parameter is set to false.

    Workaround: By default, the hive.repl.run.data.copy.tasks.on.target policy-level configuration parameter is set to true. Before you initiate function replication, ensure that this parameter is set to true.

  • CDPD-23188

    Replication of Hive data fails when the external tables in the HDP cluster are replicated to a managed warehouse location in the CDP Private Cloud Base cluster.

    This issue might appear when one of the following condition is true:
    • The external tables in HDP are in the managed warehouse location but the hive.repl.replica.external.table.base.dir parameter is set to “/”.
    • The hive.repl.replica.external.table.base.dir parameter is configured with the managed warehouse location in the CDP Private Cloud Base cluster.

    The Managed warehouse location is defined by the hive.metastore.warehouse.dir configuration parameter.

    Workaround: Perform the following steps to resolve the issue:

    a. Configure the hive.repl.replica.external.table.base.dir parameter to a value other than “/”. This ensures that the external tables are not replicated to the managed warehouse location on target.

    b. Configure the hive.repl.replica.external.table.base.dir parameter with a path other than the managed warehouse location in CDP Private Cloud Base cluster.