External co-processors are not automatically upgraded, you must upgrade them manually. Before upgrading, ensure that your co-processors are compatible with the upgrade.
There are two ways to handle co-processor upgrade:
Upgrade your co-processor jars manually before continuing the upgrade.
Temporarily unset the co-processors and continue the upgrade.
Once they
are manually upgraded, they can be reset.
Attempting to upgrade without upgrading the co-processor jars can result in
unpredictable behaviour such as HBase role start failure, HBase role crashing, or
even data corruption.
If your cluster is Kerberized, ensure that you run the kinit command
as a hbase user before running the pre-upgrade commands.
Download and distribute parcels for target version of Cloudera Base on premises.
If the downloaded parcel version is higher than the current Cloudera Manager
version, the following error message displayed:
Error for parcel CDH-7.X.parcel : Parcel version 7.X is not
supported by this version of Cloudera Manager. Upgrade Cloudera Manager
to at least 7.X before using this version of the
You can safely ignore this error message.
Run the hbase pre-upgrade validate-cp commands to check if
your co-processors are compatible with the upgrade.
Use the CDP parcel to run the pre-upgrade commands. Cloudera recommends that
you run them on an HMaster host.
For example, you can check for co-processor compatibility on
way you can verify that all of the required tables were checked. The
detailed output should contain lines like the following where
test_table is a table on the
If echo $? prints 0, the check was
successful and your co-processors are compatible. A non-zero value means
unsuccessful, your co-processors are not compatible.
Once your co-processors are prepared for the cluster upgrade, check the
Yes, I have manually upgraded the HBase co-processor
classes upgrade checkbox.
Continue the upgrade using the Cloudera Manager upgrade wizard.
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