HDP2 to CDP Private Cloud Base Two Stage upgradePDF version

Managing MPacks

You must review the information mentioned in this section before you proceed with the upgrade.

  • Not all Management Packs are compatible with the HDP intermediate bits. Cloudera Support can help you assess the feasibility of your upgrade if you have Management Packs other than HDF installed.
  • Cloudera does not support HDF in-place upgrades if HDF is used in combination with the HDP 2 cluster. This is because it is not supported to have HDP 2.x + HDF 3.5.2 managed by the same Ambari.
  • If you're running HDF on top of HDF 2.6.5, you cannot upgrade HDF. You have two options:
    • You can upgrade both HDP and HDF in order to have Ambari 2.7.5 managing both HDP 3.1.5 and HDF 3.5.2. You can then proceed with the in-place upgrade to CDP.
    • You can detach the HDF services from Ambari, uninstall the HDF mpack from Ambari, and proceed with the upgrade for Ambari/HDP. After upgrading to CDP, you can install the corresponding services and migrate the workloads from the HDF cluster to the new services running on CDP.
  • If you have any doubts or concerns or questions about the migration process, you must contact the Cloudera Support for further assistance to help you determine the best migration plan for your business needs.
  • The latest and supported version of AM2CM is AM2CM 2.0.2. This version is capable of handling the HDF → CPD upgrade path.