Key concepts about ACID ingest patterns
There are many variations to the ACID ingest patterns discussed earlier. The main points are:
- Using an ACID ingest pattern, the system manages file compactions in an atomic manner.
- Do not force your ingest patterns on the consumer through artificial partition strategies.
- If you need to maintain the source, use the sweep pattern. Consumers access the final table.
- Minimize repeated reads of inefficient datasets.
Column masking and row filtering
- Removes sensitive data from unauthorized users.
- Prevents derivative datasets and loss of control.
- Geographic policies
- Adds control depending on where you are.
Treat managed, ACID tables as tables, not as files. Use column masking and row filtering to
restrict access to sensitive data. Hive operations go through HiveServer (HS2). All policies are
managed around the table context. All operations on managed tables run as the
user on service, who is analagous to the oracle
user who
is the user accessing an Oracle system.
With delineation and enforcement of ACID tables, ACID tables become a single source of truth (SSOT). You can control file spillage, and provide theft protection by limiting user access. The file system audits are not always available for non-ACID tables in non-HDFS or ozone stores. If you have data in S3, for example, allow users go through Hive but do not give them access to S3, then you can obtain an audit trail.
Modified ACID table location
- Managed table file locations have stronger security requirements in Hive 3 than in Hive 1 and 2.
- Hive 3 ensures the location matches policies that manage the space.
- Multi-tenant requirements
- Transparent data encryption (TDE) requirements
property in the Hive metastore. Key points about
the Hive 3 warehouse directory are: - Set the MANAGEDLOCATION property of the database using CREATE TABLE OR ALTER TABLE.
- Check the property value using DESCRIBE DATABASE.
- Ensure access to your new file system location for the hive service user.
- For transparent data encryption (TDE):
- Ensure that the hive service account has key access.
- Use an alternate warehouse location.
- Protects data at rest if the file should fall into the wrong hands.
Accessing Hive ACID tables from Spark
Spark interaction with ACID tables is not natively supported. When deciding if Spark users need access to ACID tables, or not, determine your data priorities and the risk of exposing the data. If your security concerns outweigh ease of access, ACID tables are a viable choice for use with Spark. You can protect parts of the database that Spark users access.
Spark users cannot just run sparksql code on ACID tables. For governance reasons, users must go through the Hive Warehouse Connector (HWC) and make code changes to access the non-native ACID tables. You need to consider the options for accessing the non-native tables and the impact of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) to determine if using ACID tables for Spark users works for you, or not.
Hive 3 on the Cloudera Data Platform does not support storage-based authorization (SBA). The
default Hive doas
property is false, and results
in code changes. These changes are mandatory to secure your data. Using old patterns that
required insert overwrites can cause data loss and slow Hive process. If you continue to use
these pattern with ACID, Hive will be slow. Hive 3 operations are atomic and require backend
housekeeping. When you use acid table,s you have to give up some part of the system to manage
them with compaction. How much of your resources are needed for compaction depends on how
extensively you use ACID tables.
ACID has limitations, such as writing a thousand INSERT statements containing one record. Such inserts cause problems. Hive ACID is not an online transaction processing (OLTP) system, but it can you can build a better and cleaner data pipeline with Hive ACID, and it can perform well.
Audits, lineage, and enforcement
By applying policies to Hive ACID tables your Hive database can be a single source of truth for users. File spillage, loss, and theft is protected by restricting user access to the file system database and tables using Ranger.
Views and materialized views
A materialized view is a database object that holds a query result you can use to speed up the execution of a query workload. Materialized views require ACID tables.
In the following example, you select a row ID, perform an aggregate function, and group by consumer:
SELECT consumer_id, agg_function FROM detail_table GROUP BY consumer_id;
The aggregate function is costly, depending on how the cost of scanning the table, how big the table is, and so on. The aggregation is calculated each and every time you run that query.
Suppose you use a view. VIEW wraps the SELECT syntax. The view reference replaces the select, and is compiled by Hive in the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). A view might appear easier to use and consume, but is no better, or is worse, performance-wise than a materialized view. There is only a development advantage in using a view over a materialized view.
Suppose you use a materialized view of Select with the same aggregations. The materialized view can be updated or maintained in the background on a occasional basis. If you run aggregates on a frequent basis, the materialized view might save significant time. You create a materialized view that matches the first aggregate function in the table. When a user issues a query that includes the aggregation against the table again, the Hive Cost Based Optimizer (CBO) checks that the materialized view is up-to-date with that aggregation, rewrites the query if out-of-date, and uses the previously generated results instead of reading the entire table again.
- The speed of repeated dashboard-like queries improve.
- Query results are pre-built.
- Queries are optimized by the CBO:
- Query plans use materialized views if possible
- Reduces data Processing
- Quicker response times
- Fewer resources required
Query results cache
If you use ACID tables, repeated queries can be resolved by the query results cache. Query results caching works only on ACID tables because Hive needs to completely manage the tables to do the caching. Hive knows whether the ACID tables changed or not, so when you issue the query again, Hive just pulls the result without further computation. Hive doesn't need to run the query again. If you have a dashboard, perhaps the first dashboard that runs the query will cache the data for the next hour until the dashboard needs to be updated. User queries pull the results from the cache, and save all of that compute time and resources.
You can configure Hive to manage a certain amount of space for the query result cache.
The query results cache identifies an asymmetric tree of the query DAG identical to a query that was run before and stored on the cluster. No changes to tables occurs during query results caching.
- Repetitous queries
- Queries the have not changed since results cache was built
Summary of Hive ACID considerations
Key things to keep in mind when moving to Hive transactional/ACID tables are:
- Hive is not an online transactional processing (OLTP).
- Micro-batching works best; avoid single inserts.
- Setup the compactor.
- Scale the resources to compact.
- Resource requirements depend on:
Data volume
Frequency of data change
Number of tables/partitions to compact
The thresholds set to trigger compactions
The frequency of the compactor checks
One of your main considerations in whether or not to use a Hive ACID table is who is going to query the table. Hive has native support for ACID tables and CDP has a security system in place to protect the data.