HDP3 to CDP Private Cloud Base Two Stage upgradePDF version

Download Solr configuration from HDP Search ZooKeeper

The solr-download-metadata.sh script downloads metadata from HDP Search ZooKeeper. You can then copy this information into a CDP cluster and use it as input for the CDP Private Cloud Base upgrade process.

The migration script uses jq for JSON file processing, this tool has to be installed:

For example, yum install jq

  1. Copy the solr-download-metadata.sh script to any of the nodes in the cluster where HDP Search is deployed.
    exec 3>/dev/null
    set -e
    error() {
      >&2 echo "$1"
      exit 1
    remove_trailing_slash() {
      echo "$1" | sed 's@/*$@@'
    check_jq() {
      if ! command -v jq &> /dev/null; then
        echo "Command jq could not be found"
    check_java() {
      if ! command -v java &> /dev/null; then
        echo "Command java could not be found"
    check_zkcli() {
      if [ ! -f ${ZKCLI_HDP_LUCIDWORKS} ]; then
        if [ ! -f ${ZKCLI_HDP_CLOUDERA} ]; then
          if [ ! -f ${ZKCLI_CDH} ]; then
            error "Cannot find zkcli.sh"
      echo "Found zklci.sh at ${zkcli}"
    run_zk_cli() {
      : ${SOLR_ZK_ENSEMBLE:?"Please configure Solr ZooKeeper ensemble using the SOLR_ZK_ENSEMBLE env variable"}
      ${zkcli} -zkhost "$SOLR_ZK_ENSEMBLE" "$@" 2>&3
    get_collections() {
      if ! jq -r 'to_entries[] | .key' < "$1"; then
        error "Cannot find collections in file $1. Please check the contents of the file."     
    get_configname() {
       jq -r '.["'$2'"].configName' < "$1"
    download_zk_metadata() {
    #  echo "Cleaning up $1"
    #  rm -rf "${1:?}"/*
      mkdir -p "$1/collections"
      mkdir -p "$1/configs"
      echo "Copying clusterstate.json"
      # run_zk_cli -cmd get /clusterstate.json > "$1"/clusterstate.json;
      : ${SOLR_ADMIN_URI:?"Please configure Solr URI using the SOLR_ADMIN_URI env variable"}
      SOLR_ADMIN_URI=$(remove_trailing_slash "$SOLR_ADMIN_URI")
      curl --retry 5 -s -L -k --negotiate -u : "${SOLR_ADMIN_URI}/admin/collections?action=CLUSTERSTATUS&wt=json" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.cluster.collections' > "$1"/clusterstate.json
      echo "Copying clusterprops.json"
      if ! run_zk_cli -cmd get /clusterprops.json > "$1"/clusterprops.json; then
        echo "Missing/empty clusterprops.json file in ZooKeeper, creating empty json"
        echo "{}" > "$1"/clusterprops.json
      echo "Copying solr.xml"
      if ! run_zk_cli -cmd get /solr.xml > "$1"/solr.xml; then
        echo "Missing/empty solr.xml in ZK, copying from local dir"
        if ! cp /etc/solr/home/solr.xml "$1"/solr.xml; then
          if ! cp /etc/solr/data_dir/solr.xml "$1"/solr.xml; then
            if ! cp /opt/solr/data/solr.xml "$1"/solr.xml; then
              if ! cp /opt/lucidworks/solr.xml  "$1"/solr.xml; then
                : ${SOLR_XML_PATH:?"Cannot download solr.xml from ZooKeeper and cannot find it locally. Please specify its location using the SOLR_XML_PATH variable"}
                if ! cp "${SOLR_XML_PATH}" "$1"/solr.xml; then                         
                  error "Cannot find solr.xml. Exiting."
      echo "Copying aliases.json"
      if ! run_zk_cli -cmd get /aliases.json > "$1"/aliases.json ; then
        echo "Unable to copy aliases.json. Please check if it contains any data ?"
        echo "Continuing with the download..."
      collections=$(get_collections "$1"/clusterstate.json)
      for c in ${collections}; do
        echo "Downloading configuration for collection ${c}"
        run_zk_cli -cmd get /collections/"$c" > "$1/collections/${c}_config.json"
        coll_conf=$(get_configname "$1/clusterstate.json" "$c")
        echo "Downloading config named ${coll_conf} for collection ${c}"
        run_zk_cli -cmd downconfig -confdir "$1/configs/${coll_conf}/conf" -confname "${coll_conf}"
      echo "Successfully downloaded Solr metadata from ZooKeeper"
    [[ -z "$1" ]] && error "Please specify output directory"
    download_zk_metadata "$1"
  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the JDK location. For example:
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_112
  3. Add java to PATH. For example:
     export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
  4. On a host running Solr server, set the SOLR_ZK_ENSEMBLE environment variable:
    export SOLR_ZK_ENSEMBLE=[***HOSTNAME***]:2181/solr

    Replace [***HOSTNAME***] with a value that is valid in your environment.

  5. On a host running Solr server, set the SOLR_ADMIN_URI environment variable:
    export SOLR_ADMIN_URI=[***HOSTNAME***]:8983/solr

    Replace [***HOSTNAME***] with an actual value that is valid in your environment. Make sure that you include the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) and do not include a trailing slash (/).

    For example:
    export SOLR_ADMIN_URI=htp://example.com:8983/solr
  6. On a secure cluster you may need to set additional zkcli flags, for instance:
    export ZKCLI_JVM_FLAGS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=[***/PATH/TO/JAAS.CONF***]"

    Replace [***/PATH/TO/JAAS.CONF***] with path to a valid jaas.conf file.

  7. If you have enabled Kerberos, run the kinit command with the Solr service superuser. For example:
    kinit solr@[***EXAMPLE.COM***]
    Replace [***EXAMPLE.COM***] with your Kerberos realm name.
  8. Download the current (HDP Search 2 or 3) Solr configuration from ZooKeeper:
    • solr-download-metadata.sh [***DIRECTORY***]

      Replace [***DIRECTORY***] with the path to the directory where you want to download the Solr configuration.

    • If you have enabled Kerberos and configured ZooKeeper Access Control Lists (ACLs), specify your JAAS configuration file by adding the --jaas parameter to the command.

      solr-download-metadata.sh --jaas [***/PATH/TO/JAAS.CONF***] [***DIRECTORY***]

      Replace [***/PATH/TO/JAAS.CONF***] with the path to a valid jaas.conf file.

      Replace [***DIRECTORY***] with the path to the directory where you want to download the Solr configuration.

    In case of a successful run, the last line printed out by the script is:

    Successfully downloaded SOLR metadata from Zookeeper
  9. Copy the migrated data to $HOME/cr7-solr-migration in the interim Solr instance.
  10. Initialize a directory for the migrated configuration as a copy of the current configuration:
    cp -r $HOME/cr7-solr-migration $HOME/cr7-migrated-solr-config