Download Solr configuration from HDP Search ZooKeeper
script downloads metadata from HDP
Search ZooKeeper. You can then copy this information into a CDP cluster and use it as input
for the CDP Private Cloud Base upgrade process.
for JSON file processing, this tool
has to be installed:For example, yum install jq
Copy the
script to any of the nodes in the cluster where HDP Search is deployed.#!/bin/bash exec 3>/dev/null set -e ZKCLI_HDP_LUCIDWORKS=/opt/lucidworks-hdpsearch/solr/server/scripts/cloud-scripts/ ZKCLI_HDP_CLOUDERA=/usr/cloudera-hdp-solr/current/cloudera-hdp-solr/solr/server/scripts/cloud-scripts/ ZKCLI_CDH=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/solr/bin/ error() { >&2 echo "$1" exit 1 } remove_trailing_slash() { echo "$1" | sed 's@/*$@@' } check_jq() { if ! command -v jq &> /dev/null; then echo "Command jq could not be found" exit fi } check_java() { if ! command -v java &> /dev/null; then echo "Command java could not be found" exit fi } check_zkcli() { if [ ! -f ${ZKCLI_HDP_LUCIDWORKS} ]; then if [ ! -f ${ZKCLI_HDP_CLOUDERA} ]; then if [ ! -f ${ZKCLI_CDH} ]; then error "Cannot find" else zkcli=${ZKCLI_CDH} fi else zkcli=${ZKCLI_HDP_CLOUDERA} fi else zkcli=${ZKCLI_HDP_LUCIDWORKS} fi echo "Found at ${zkcli}" } run_zk_cli() { : ${SOLR_ZK_ENSEMBLE:?"Please configure Solr ZooKeeper ensemble using the SOLR_ZK_ENSEMBLE env variable"} ${zkcli} -zkhost "$SOLR_ZK_ENSEMBLE" "$@" 2>&3 } get_collections() { if ! jq -r 'to_entries[] | .key' < "$1"; then error "Cannot find collections in file $1. Please check the contents of the file." fi } get_configname() { jq -r '.["'$2'"].configName' < "$1" } download_zk_metadata() { # echo "Cleaning up $1" # rm -rf "${1:?}"/* mkdir -p "$1/collections" mkdir -p "$1/configs" echo "Copying clusterstate.json" # run_zk_cli -cmd get /clusterstate.json > "$1"/clusterstate.json; : ${SOLR_ADMIN_URI:?"Please configure Solr URI using the SOLR_ADMIN_URI env variable"} SOLR_ADMIN_URI=$(remove_trailing_slash "$SOLR_ADMIN_URI") curl --retry 5 -s -L -k --negotiate -u : "${SOLR_ADMIN_URI}/admin/collections?action=CLUSTERSTATUS&wt=json" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.cluster.collections' > "$1"/clusterstate.json echo "Copying clusterprops.json" if ! run_zk_cli -cmd get /clusterprops.json > "$1"/clusterprops.json; then echo "Missing/empty clusterprops.json file in ZooKeeper, creating empty json" echo "{}" > "$1"/clusterprops.json fi echo "Copying solr.xml" if ! run_zk_cli -cmd get /solr.xml > "$1"/solr.xml; then echo "Missing/empty solr.xml in ZK, copying from local dir" if ! cp /etc/solr/home/solr.xml "$1"/solr.xml; then if ! cp /etc/solr/data_dir/solr.xml "$1"/solr.xml; then if ! cp /opt/solr/data/solr.xml "$1"/solr.xml; then if ! cp /opt/lucidworks/solr.xml "$1"/solr.xml; then : ${SOLR_XML_PATH:?"Cannot download solr.xml from ZooKeeper and cannot find it locally. Please specify its location using the SOLR_XML_PATH variable"} if ! cp "${SOLR_XML_PATH}" "$1"/solr.xml; then error "Cannot find solr.xml. Exiting." fi fi fi fi fi fi echo "Copying aliases.json" if ! run_zk_cli -cmd get /aliases.json > "$1"/aliases.json ; then echo "Unable to copy aliases.json. Please check if it contains any data ?" echo "Continuing with the download..." fi collections=$(get_collections "$1"/clusterstate.json) for c in ${collections}; do echo "Downloading configuration for collection ${c}" run_zk_cli -cmd get /collections/"$c" > "$1/collections/${c}_config.json" coll_conf=$(get_configname "$1/clusterstate.json" "$c") echo "Downloading config named ${coll_conf} for collection ${c}" run_zk_cli -cmd downconfig -confdir "$1/configs/${coll_conf}/conf" -confname "${coll_conf}" done echo "Successfully downloaded Solr metadata from ZooKeeper" } [[ -z "$1" ]] && error "Please specify output directory" check_jq check_java check_zkcli download_zk_metadata "$1"
Set the
environment variable to the JDK location. For example:export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_112
Add java to
. For example:export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
On a host running Solr server, set the
environment variable:export SOLR_ZK_ENSEMBLE=[***HOSTNAME***]:2181/solr
Replace [***HOSTNAME***] with a value that is valid in your environment.
On a host running Solr server, set the
environment variable:export SOLR_ADMIN_URI=[***HOSTNAME***]:8983/solr
Replace [***HOSTNAME***] with an actual value that is valid in your environment. Make sure that you include the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) and do not include a trailing slash (
).For example:export SOLR_ADMIN_URI=htp://
On a secure cluster you may need to set additional zkcli flags, for
Replace [***/PATH/TO/JAAS.CONF***] with path to a valid
file. -
If you have enabled Kerberos, run the kinit command with the Solr service
superuser. For example:
kinit solr@[***EXAMPLE.COM***]
Replace [***EXAMPLE.COM***] with your Kerberos realm name. -
Download the current (HDP Search 2 or 3) Solr configuration from
- [***DIRECTORY***]
Replace [***DIRECTORY***] with the path to the directory where you want to download the Solr configuration.
If you have enabled Kerberos and configured ZooKeeper Access Control Lists (ACLs), specify your JAAS configuration file by adding the
parameter to the --jaas [***/PATH/TO/JAAS.CONF***] [***DIRECTORY***]
Replace [***/PATH/TO/JAAS.CONF***] with the path to a valid
file.Replace [***DIRECTORY***] with the path to the directory where you want to download the Solr configuration.
In case of a successful run, the last line printed out by the script is:
Successfully downloaded SOLR metadata from Zookeeper
Copy the migrated data to
in the interim Solr instance. -
Initialize a directory for the migrated configuration as a copy of the current
cp -r $HOME/cr7-solr-migration $HOME/cr7-migrated-solr-config