HDP2 to CDP Private Cloud Base Two Stage upgradePDF version


To restore the backed-up Ambari-Metrics data, downgrade the ambari-metrics packages on all hosts and restore the backed-up-ambari-metrics data.

  1. Downgrade ambari-metrics packages on all hosts where they are installed. On every host in your cluster running a Metrics Monitor, run the following commands:
    yum downgrade ambari-metrics-monitor ambari-metrics-hadoop-sink
    Execute the following command on all hosts running the Metrics Collector:
    yum downgrade ambari-metrics-collector
    Execute the following command on the host running the Grafana component:
    yum downgrade ambari-metrics-grafana
  2. Restore backed-up ambari-metrics data on the host where the ambari-metrics-collector is installed
    rm -rf /var/lib/ambari-metrics-collector
    tar xf ams-backup.tar.gz  -C /
  3. Start Ambari-Metics in Ambari UI.