HDP3 to CDP Private Cloud Base Two Stage upgradePDF version

​Preparing to Upgrade Ambari

You must prepare to upgrade Ambari to 7.1.x.x. Review this section before you upgrade.

  • You must have root, administrative, or root-equivalent authorization on the Ambari Server host and all Ambari Agent hosts in the cluster.
  • You must backup the Ambari Server database.
  • You must make a safe copy of the Ambari Server configuration file found at /etc/ambari-server/conf/ambari.properties.
  • If your cluster is SSO-enabled, do not stop Knox before upgrading Ambari.
During the Ambari upgrade, the existing /var/lib/ambari-server/ambari-env.sh file is overwritten and a backup copy of ambari-env.sh (with extension .rpmsave) is created. If you have manually modified ambari-env.sh (for example, to change Ambari Server heap), you must re-apply your changes in the new file.